Undercover Investigation at California Egg Farm - YouTube: "MENIFEE, CA Hidden camera video footage exposing shocking animal abuse at a southern California egg
factory farm will be released at a news conference on Tuesday by Mercy For Animals (MFA) a national
animal protection organization. The footage recorded in August and September by a farm employee
shows workers breaking the necks of chickens, live birds neglected on dead piles, birds suffering from
open wounds, hens crammed in cages so small they cant walk, and corpses left to rot in cages with hens
still laying eggs for human consumption. Humane organizations are calling on Californians to vote YES!
on Prop 2 this November. Prop 2 is a modest animal welfare measure that will simply ensure that farm
animals can turn around and stretch their limbs.
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Vegans for World Peace
Our food system is inefficient, cruel and we are wasting our resources. We will run out of clean water, deplete the soil of nutrients and collapse the ecosystem. We are destroying the tropical rainforest, the lungs of the planet, and home to millions (if not trillions) of species of life forms that took millions of years of evolution to create. We are growing food on this land to feed the animals we eat (for the most part.) We are creating mass extinction and we are not immune to extinction ourselves as we are dealing in a land of finite resources. Humans are starving right now because we choose to feed their food to the animals we eat. Approx. 50,000 litres of drinking water goes into producing 1 kilo of beef or a gallon of milk. It takes approximately 10 times more grain to feed a "food" animal to eat it than it does to just feed the grain directly to the human being. We can feed 7 billion humans much more efficiently than 100 billion or more land animals. And we are ignoring our moral obligation to protect innocent animals and people who cannot protect themselves. Yes animals in the wild eat flesh but they do not breed in captivity and confine their prey to spaces indoors without space enough to turn around or be comfortable at all during the entire life. These animals are living a life of torture. No wild animal is so cruel to abuse, torture, confine, neglect, overcrowd, beat, cram in cages so small they never move, allow them no exercise, no sunshine, EVER, no movement even! Cut up into pieces while conscious, skin them alive, boil alive, etc etc etc This is common the world over. 100 billion a year we slaughter!!!!! and we kill another 1-3 trillion in the oceans. Non human animals are not capable of cultivating plant crops, however we are. We do not need animal products to survive. Some animals do need other animals to survive we are not one of them - many have proven this. Our intestines are long like herbivores and we have a back up emergency system we are abusing. Animal protein and fat creates disease in our body where plant food does not. We can derive all we need from plants and bacteria, rather than have the animals process this for us. If we focus on feeding the people directly we stop the torture and slaughter. If you eat meat dairy or eggs and you watch how the pigs, cows, chickens, farmed fish etc live you, will see they suffer immensely. When we take from the oceans we risk the lives of the sharks and whales who are essential to the ocean ecosystem. We need to keep it in balance. And the taste for flesh is not worth mass suffering beyond comprehension. We can learn to eat the plants. If you don't have the stomach to watch these videos on how the "food" animals live - it is because you already know it is creating suffering for them. Please stop supporting animal cruelty immediately! We can eat if we grow food for us rather than the animals we breed into existence to consume. We threaten the wildlife when we farm the land to grow the animal food. There is enough food for everyone but not enough to feed and care properly for so many animals! Every social issue is solved by going to a plant based diet and provides a tangible way of knowing who is cruel and who believes all life is sacred. The torture can stop but it takes each and every one of us to make it happen. Violence is a choice. Please stop contributing to lifetimes of starvation, torture, confinement, abuse, and slaughter. Please stop! Let us instead worship all life, not just our own. Let's love and worship instead of destroy, torture, and exploit ok?! Please! We can do this! And we will be better for it!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Animals Australia Pig Factory Farming Investigation.wmv - YouTube
Animals Australia Pig Factory Farming Investigation.wmv - YouTube: "Undercover Footage & commentary by Animals Australia at a PIG FACTORY FARM IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. It depicts the sheer horror & filth, the tiny stalls in Huge Rows of a dark factory farm. The First Time these animals will see the outside world, will be the only time: It will be on their journey to slaughter.
This footage prompted Channel 9's 60 minutes to do an Expose on Australian Pig Farming.
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This footage prompted Channel 9's 60 minutes to do an Expose on Australian Pig Farming.
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Meet your Meat: Part 1 - YouTube
Meet your Meat: Part 1 - YouTube: "a sad video of animal cruelty in a barn. makes you think about ordering that hamburger at McDonald's.
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Stop The Farm Factories And Animal Abuse! - YouTube
Stop The Farm Factories And Animal Abuse! - YouTube: "By Watching This Video You Are Learning The Truth And The True Horrors Of The Meat That You Have For Dinner Or Lunch. 99.99% Of Our Meat, Eggs, And Milk Come From Industries Like This. please Help Us Save These Poor, Innocent Animals, Not With Money Just With Some Time. If You Are Aware Of This And Want To Help, Call You're Members Of Congress Right Now, 202-225-3121 Please Help Us, We Could Save Millions.
Buy "Haunted" on
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Buy "Haunted" on
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How do we treat animals in Australia? - YouTube
How do we treat animals in Australia? - YouTube: "Darren Cordeux, frontman of Kisschasy takes a look at how we treat animals in Australia. Most animals raised for food in this country come from factory farms, where it is legal to commit acts of extreme animal cruelty. Join Darren and AAY to end this madness: visit http://www.aay.org.au now!
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Freedom Farmed Foods - Sickening Scenes of Animal Cruelty! - YouTube
Freedom Farmed Foods - Sickening Scenes of Animal Cruelty! - YouTube: "THESE sickening scenes show pigs fighting for space in a rat-infested barn -- yards from piles of maggot-infested carcasses.
The distressed animals were secretly filmed at a Norfolk farm signed up to the Freedom Food scheme -- backed by the RSPCA -- which is meant to guarantee high animal welfare standards.
Footage shot over six weeks reveals pigs mired in a swamp of mud, faeces and urine in a dark barn.
Rats scurry up walls and pick through overflowing bins of rotting carcasses, spilling maggots into pens where healthy and sick pigs are crammed together.
Pigs spend 24 hours a day in this horrific state until they are sent for slaughter.
The dead animals are then sold by owners Easey Pigs Ltd to food processors who supply supermarket giant Tesco.
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The distressed animals were secretly filmed at a Norfolk farm signed up to the Freedom Food scheme -- backed by the RSPCA -- which is meant to guarantee high animal welfare standards.
Footage shot over six weeks reveals pigs mired in a swamp of mud, faeces and urine in a dark barn.
Rats scurry up walls and pick through overflowing bins of rotting carcasses, spilling maggots into pens where healthy and sick pigs are crammed together.
Pigs spend 24 hours a day in this horrific state until they are sent for slaughter.
The dead animals are then sold by owners Easey Pigs Ltd to food processors who supply supermarket giant Tesco.
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Investigation Reveals Cruelty at Pig Factory Farm - YouTube
Investigation Reveals Cruelty at Pig Factory Farm - YouTube: "A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals unconscionable cruelty to mother pigs and their young piglets at a Hatfield Quality Meat supplier - "Country View Family Farms," in Fannettsburg, Pennsylvania.
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Butterball Abuse: Undercover Mercy For Animals Investigation Reveals Cruelty - YouTube
Butterball Abuse: Undercover Mercy For Animals Investigation Reveals Cruelty - YouTube:
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Butterball has become synonymous with turkey. But how do the millions of turkeys who end up in the grocery store, or served at restaurants, under the Butterball brand, really live and die?
A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals the truth: extreme cruelty and violence is the harsh reality for birds on Butterball's factory farms.
Between November and December of 2011, an MFA undercover investigator documented a pattern of shocking abuse and neglect at a Butterball turkey semen collection facility in Shannon, North Carolina.
Hidden-camera footage taken at Butterball reveals:
* Workers violently kicking and stomping on birds, dragging them by their fragile wings and necks, and maliciously throwing turkeys onto the ground or into transport trucks in full view of company management;
* Employees bashing in the heads of live birds with metal bars, leaving many to slowly suffer and die from their injuries;
* Turkeys covered in flies, living in their own waste, with some unable to access food or water and suffering from severe feather loss
* Birds suffering from serious untreated illnesses and injuries, including open sores, infections, rotting eyes, and broken bones; and
* Severely injured turkeys, unable to stand up or walk, left to die without any veterinary care, because treating sick or injured birds was too costly and time consuming, as the farm manager explained to MFA's investigator.
After viewing the undercover footage, Dr. Sara Shields, research scientist, poultry specialist and consultant in animal welfare, said, "Turkeys are fully capable of feeling pain, fear, stress and of suffering, and the way they are treated in the video is clearly abusive."
Dr. Debra Teachout, a practicing veterinarian with experience in farmed-animal welfare, agrees, stating, "The birds are not living a life remotely worth living. Their world is full of fear, distress, pain, injury and illness as witnessed by this video. A culture of blatant and severe animal mistreatment has been allowed to flourish unchecked, and for that reason, this facility should be shut down immediately."
Following the investigation, MFA immediately went to law enforcement with extensive video footage and a detailed legal complaint outlining the routine violence and cruelty documented by the investigator at this Butterball facility. On Thursday, December 29, state law enforcement officials obtained a warrant and raided the facility on grounds of cruelty to animals.
Unfortunately, the lives of turkeys in Butterball's factory farms are short, brutal and filled with fear, violence and prolonged suffering. While wild turkeys are sleek, agile and able to fly, Butterball's turkeys have been selectively bred to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them suffer from painful bone defects, hip joint lesions, crippling foot and leg deformities, and fatal heart attacks.
This genetic manipulation creates birds that are so large they cannot even reproduce naturally, meaning that artificial semen collection and insemination have become the sole means of turkey reproduction at Butterball facilities.
Even though domestic turkeys have been genetically manipulated for enormous growth, these birds still retain their gentle, inquisitive and social natures. Oregon State University poultry scientist Dr. Tom Savage says that turkeys are "smart animals with personality and character, and keen awareness of their surroundings." In fact, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, and scientists now agree that turkeys are sensitive and intelligent animals with their own unique personalities, much like the dogs and cats we all know and love.
While MFA works to expose and end animal abuse at Butterball and other giants of the meat, dairy and egg industry, consumers can help prevent the needless suffering of turkeys and other animals by adopting a compassionate vegan diet.
Learn more at:
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Butterball has become synonymous with turkey. But how do the millions of turkeys who end up in the grocery store, or served at restaurants, under the Butterball brand, really live and die?
A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals the truth: extreme cruelty and violence is the harsh reality for birds on Butterball's factory farms.
Between November and December of 2011, an MFA undercover investigator documented a pattern of shocking abuse and neglect at a Butterball turkey semen collection facility in Shannon, North Carolina.
Hidden-camera footage taken at Butterball reveals:
* Workers violently kicking and stomping on birds, dragging them by their fragile wings and necks, and maliciously throwing turkeys onto the ground or into transport trucks in full view of company management;
* Employees bashing in the heads of live birds with metal bars, leaving many to slowly suffer and die from their injuries;
* Turkeys covered in flies, living in their own waste, with some unable to access food or water and suffering from severe feather loss
* Birds suffering from serious untreated illnesses and injuries, including open sores, infections, rotting eyes, and broken bones; and
* Severely injured turkeys, unable to stand up or walk, left to die without any veterinary care, because treating sick or injured birds was too costly and time consuming, as the farm manager explained to MFA's investigator.
After viewing the undercover footage, Dr. Sara Shields, research scientist, poultry specialist and consultant in animal welfare, said, "Turkeys are fully capable of feeling pain, fear, stress and of suffering, and the way they are treated in the video is clearly abusive."
Dr. Debra Teachout, a practicing veterinarian with experience in farmed-animal welfare, agrees, stating, "The birds are not living a life remotely worth living. Their world is full of fear, distress, pain, injury and illness as witnessed by this video. A culture of blatant and severe animal mistreatment has been allowed to flourish unchecked, and for that reason, this facility should be shut down immediately."
Following the investigation, MFA immediately went to law enforcement with extensive video footage and a detailed legal complaint outlining the routine violence and cruelty documented by the investigator at this Butterball facility. On Thursday, December 29, state law enforcement officials obtained a warrant and raided the facility on grounds of cruelty to animals.
Unfortunately, the lives of turkeys in Butterball's factory farms are short, brutal and filled with fear, violence and prolonged suffering. While wild turkeys are sleek, agile and able to fly, Butterball's turkeys have been selectively bred to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them suffer from painful bone defects, hip joint lesions, crippling foot and leg deformities, and fatal heart attacks.
This genetic manipulation creates birds that are so large they cannot even reproduce naturally, meaning that artificial semen collection and insemination have become the sole means of turkey reproduction at Butterball facilities.
Even though domestic turkeys have been genetically manipulated for enormous growth, these birds still retain their gentle, inquisitive and social natures. Oregon State University poultry scientist Dr. Tom Savage says that turkeys are "smart animals with personality and character, and keen awareness of their surroundings." In fact, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, and scientists now agree that turkeys are sensitive and intelligent animals with their own unique personalities, much like the dogs and cats we all know and love.
While MFA works to expose and end animal abuse at Butterball and other giants of the meat, dairy and egg industry, consumers can help prevent the needless suffering of turkeys and other animals by adopting a compassionate vegan diet.
Learn more at:
Cruelty at Seaboard Farms - YouTube
Cruelty at Seaboard Farms - YouTube: ""Golden Girl" Rue McClanahan narrates PETA's investigation of a pig factory farm.
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The Reality of Factory Farming - feat. Darren Cordeux (Kisschasy) - YouTube
The Reality of Factory Farming - feat. Darren Cordeux (Kisschasy) - YouTube: "
Most people are unaware that most animals raised in Australia (some 500 million) are denied the legal protection afforded to dogs and cats. That means that if you were to cut off your dog's tail without anaesthetic, you could be prosecuted for animal cruelty—but if a pig farmer does the same thing to a pig, it's just part of business. Animal cruelty has become big business, and it's up to us and those who care about animals to end the suffering by exposing the truth."
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Most people are unaware that most animals raised in Australia (some 500 million) are denied the legal protection afforded to dogs and cats. That means that if you were to cut off your dog's tail without anaesthetic, you could be prosecuted for animal cruelty—but if a pig farmer does the same thing to a pig, it's just part of business. Animal cruelty has become big business, and it's up to us and those who care about animals to end the suffering by exposing the truth."
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Shocking Video: Walmart Pork Supplier Caught Abusing Pigs - YouTube
Shocking Video: Walmart Pork Supplier Caught Abusing Pigs - YouTube: "Are your Walmart purchases funding animal abuse? Bob Barker issues a consumer warning following a new Mercy For Animals investigation revealing blatant animal cruelty at a Walmart pork supplier. See the secretly recorded video.
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Case Called Worst Animal Cruelty Case Rescuers Have Seen - YouTube
Case Called Worst Animal Cruelty Case Rescuers Have Seen - YouTube: "Officials said the owner of a Middleton farm will likely face charges in one what investigator called the worst animal cruelty case he's ever seen.
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Caged Cruelty - The Monkey Farms of Laos - YouTube
Caged Cruelty - The Monkey Farms of Laos - YouTube: "A BUAV investigation reveals shocking conditions at facilities in Laos, that supply monkeys for experiments.
The cruel trade in monkeys for the international research industry involves thousands of monkeys incarcerated in overcrowded and barren cages in breeding farms across Laos.
Monkeys were found dead in their pens, others were severely emaciated and suffering hair loss and injuries.
© BUAV/Decipher Films 2012
Buy "13 Ghosts II" on
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The cruel trade in monkeys for the international research industry involves thousands of monkeys incarcerated in overcrowded and barren cages in breeding farms across Laos.
Monkeys were found dead in their pens, others were severely emaciated and suffering hair loss and injuries.
© BUAV/Decipher Films 2012
Buy "13 Ghosts II" on
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Animal Cruelty - YouTube
Animal Cruelty - YouTube:
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Please adopt and buy your meat from organic family farms
This is unlike my other vids. It's about animal cruelty and abuse. I didn't make this to make people become vegetarians, but to raise awareness and encourage people to adopt their pets and buy their animal products from organic family farms. Hope you like it :)
Credit goes to the original owners
Forms of animal cruelty in this video:
-Slaughter (no painkillers)
-Fur Farms
-Euthanasia in animal shelters
-Battery Cages for birds
-Animal research
-Poor living conditions for livestock
Sound the Bugle by Hans Zimmer
The Long Road Back by Hans Zimmer (end credits)
Both from the movie Spirit -- Stallion of the Cimarron
Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart
I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - lead me away...
Or leave me lying here
Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on
Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls, "Remember who you are"
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight - remember who you are
Yeah you're a soldier now - fighting in a battle
To be free once more - yeah, that's worth fighting for
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Please adopt and buy your meat from organic family farms
This is unlike my other vids. It's about animal cruelty and abuse. I didn't make this to make people become vegetarians, but to raise awareness and encourage people to adopt their pets and buy their animal products from organic family farms. Hope you like it :)
Credit goes to the original owners
Forms of animal cruelty in this video:
-Slaughter (no painkillers)
-Fur Farms
-Euthanasia in animal shelters
-Battery Cages for birds
-Animal research
-Poor living conditions for livestock
Sound the Bugle by Hans Zimmer
The Long Road Back by Hans Zimmer (end credits)
Both from the movie Spirit -- Stallion of the Cimarron
Sound the bugle now - play it just for me
As the seasons change - remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on - I can't even start
I've got nothing left - just an empty heart
I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me - lead me away...
Or leave me lying here
Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere
Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark
Lay right down - decide not to go on
Then from on high - somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls, "Remember who you are"
If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight - remember who you are
Yeah you're a soldier now - fighting in a battle
To be free once more - yeah, that's worth fighting for
Chinese fur farms cruelty 1. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children. - YouTube
Chinese fur farms cruelty 1. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children. - YouTube: "Fun Fur? a film by Mark Rissi.
WARNING. This video contains images that some people may find distressing.
Undercover investigators from Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International toured fur farms in China's Hebei Province, and it quickly became clear why outsiders are banned from visiting. There are no regulations governing fur farms in China—farmers can house and slaughter animals however they see fit. The investigators found horrors beyond their worst imaginings and concluded, "Conditions on Chinese fur farms make a mockery of the most elementary animal welfare standards. In their lives and their unspeakable deaths, these animals have been denied even the simplest acts of kindness."
copyright of the material: Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International.
2nd part: http://youtu.be/xuB1GwfNTp0
3rd part: http://youtu.be/iPdaz-yzfxc
Complete video:
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WARNING. This video contains images that some people may find distressing.
Undercover investigators from Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International toured fur farms in China's Hebei Province, and it quickly became clear why outsiders are banned from visiting. There are no regulations governing fur farms in China—farmers can house and slaughter animals however they see fit. The investigators found horrors beyond their worst imaginings and concluded, "Conditions on Chinese fur farms make a mockery of the most elementary animal welfare standards. In their lives and their unspeakable deaths, these animals have been denied even the simplest acts of kindness."
copyright of the material: Swiss Animal Protection/EAST International.
2nd part: http://youtu.be/xuB1GwfNTp0
3rd part: http://youtu.be/iPdaz-yzfxc
Complete video:
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Horrors of a turkey farm - YouTube
Horrors of a turkey farm - YouTube: "PETA has released video and info from an undercover investigation from Sept-Nov 08. The hell these animals live, and die, through is disgusting, and intolerable! How's that Thanksgiving turkey tasting about now?
UPDATE: For the first time in HISTORY, 19 workers caught on video are charged with FELONY animal cruelty on a factory farm. It's made history! Score one for the animals!!!! Thanks to PETA, or we never would've seen this day!!!!
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UPDATE: For the first time in HISTORY, 19 workers caught on video are charged with FELONY animal cruelty on a factory farm. It's made history! Score one for the animals!!!! Thanks to PETA, or we never would've seen this day!!!!
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Farm animals found in appalling state at Jessops Farm - YouTube
Farm animals found in appalling state at Jessops Farm - YouTube: "Once again, we managed to expose horrific cruelty to animals. Invest in our next life-saving operation by donating now: http://animaldefencesociety.org/support-us/
Pets & Animals
Standard YouTube Licence
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Pets & Animals
Standard YouTube Licence
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Ontario Livestock charged with animal cruelty after hidden video surfaces - YouTube
Ontario Livestock charged with animal cruelty after hidden video surfaces - YouTube:
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ONTARIO, Calif. (KABC) -- An animal rights group said it went undercover and caught workers at a local auction house beating livestock.
An undercover video shows animals being kicked, dragged and thrown into pins by workers at Ontario Livestock Sales in Ontario. The group Mercy for Animals said some of the animals, allegedly too ill to stand, were left to slowly die of injury or disease without veterinary care.
"This is some of the most egregious and sadistic abuse that I've seen in the 10 years of doing investigative work at farm animal facilities," said Nathan Runkle, executive director of Los Angeles-based Mercy for Animals.
Mercy for Animals said they shot the disturbing images during a seven-week undercover operation. The auction house readies animals for sale, many of which are sold for food.
In one shot, an employee stomps on the backs of pigs to prod them. In another clip, several baby goats are carried by their hind legs.
The Inland Valley Humane Society said they've received several complaints about the facility over the years.
"The whole video in itself is very gruesome," said Silvia Lemus, a humane officer. "We've gone out there several times and unfortunately, when we are out there we are in uniform, and usually they are not going to commit those acts in front of us."
Last week, the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office filed 21 misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty against the owner and seven employees. They are due in court July 21.
Eyewitness News contacted Ontario Livestock Sales, which would not comment on the allegations.
The company's owner, 73-year-old Horacio Santorsola, told the Associated Press that the case was exaggerated and he and his employees had done nothing wrong.
Santorsola said he had not been cited once in the 18 years he's owned the business, and grabbing animals by their necks and legs is necessary because they are not tame.
"I think it's a bunch of crap," Santorsola told the AP. "How are you going to pick them up? They don't have a leash. They run, believe me, they do run."
Mercy for Animals said it has conducted 20 similar investigations across the nation. They said they hope to shed light on animal abuse.
"We feel it is absolutely unacceptable to beat animal, to throw then and to drag them by their neck," Runkle said.
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ONTARIO, Calif. (KABC) -- An animal rights group said it went undercover and caught workers at a local auction house beating livestock.
An undercover video shows animals being kicked, dragged and thrown into pins by workers at Ontario Livestock Sales in Ontario. The group Mercy for Animals said some of the animals, allegedly too ill to stand, were left to slowly die of injury or disease without veterinary care.
"This is some of the most egregious and sadistic abuse that I've seen in the 10 years of doing investigative work at farm animal facilities," said Nathan Runkle, executive director of Los Angeles-based Mercy for Animals.
Mercy for Animals said they shot the disturbing images during a seven-week undercover operation. The auction house readies animals for sale, many of which are sold for food.
In one shot, an employee stomps on the backs of pigs to prod them. In another clip, several baby goats are carried by their hind legs.
The Inland Valley Humane Society said they've received several complaints about the facility over the years.
"The whole video in itself is very gruesome," said Silvia Lemus, a humane officer. "We've gone out there several times and unfortunately, when we are out there we are in uniform, and usually they are not going to commit those acts in front of us."
Last week, the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office filed 21 misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty against the owner and seven employees. They are due in court July 21.
Eyewitness News contacted Ontario Livestock Sales, which would not comment on the allegations.
The company's owner, 73-year-old Horacio Santorsola, told the Associated Press that the case was exaggerated and he and his employees had done nothing wrong.
Santorsola said he had not been cited once in the 18 years he's owned the business, and grabbing animals by their necks and legs is necessary because they are not tame.
"I think it's a bunch of crap," Santorsola told the AP. "How are you going to pick them up? They don't have a leash. They run, believe me, they do run."
Mercy for Animals said it has conducted 20 similar investigations across the nation. They said they hope to shed light on animal abuse.
"We feel it is absolutely unacceptable to beat animal, to throw then and to drag them by their neck," Runkle said.
Stop Animal Abuse - YouTube
Stop Animal Abuse - YouTube:
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This video was made to explain the importance of animal abuse and how it is. It brings you inside the depths of factory farms, fur farms, dolphin slaughter, shark finning, whaling, circuses, seal clubbing, dog fighting, animal testing, strays, puppy mills, leather and UGGs.
All of the these are disgusting and cruel industries that need to be stopped.
Animals are crying behind these closed doors, they scream and wail and ask us for help, and yet we choose to ignore them. We close our eyes and ears and shun the things that need our help the most. All I am asking is that we open our eyes, ears, and most importantly, our hearts to the poor animals that we sometimes even call our best friends.
Behind closed doors, they cry and scream for us. It's time that we answer their calls.
Be a Guardian Angel for an Animal.
Unseen They Suffer
Unheard They Cry
In Agony They Linger
In loneliness They Die.
I've received a lot of angry comments about the dog in the cement truck. I found that video in the amazing documentary, Earthlings. There was a stray problem in another country, and so when they would find stray dogs, the public were told to kill them. And this unfortunate dog was a stray, and was put to death in a very appalling and horrific way. To keep this from happening again, please spay and neuter your animals. Although it is mostly human's faults for the overpopulation crisis, humans can also be the fix for it too.
'via Blog this'
This video was made to explain the importance of animal abuse and how it is. It brings you inside the depths of factory farms, fur farms, dolphin slaughter, shark finning, whaling, circuses, seal clubbing, dog fighting, animal testing, strays, puppy mills, leather and UGGs.
All of the these are disgusting and cruel industries that need to be stopped.
Animals are crying behind these closed doors, they scream and wail and ask us for help, and yet we choose to ignore them. We close our eyes and ears and shun the things that need our help the most. All I am asking is that we open our eyes, ears, and most importantly, our hearts to the poor animals that we sometimes even call our best friends.
Behind closed doors, they cry and scream for us. It's time that we answer their calls.
Be a Guardian Angel for an Animal.
Unseen They Suffer
Unheard They Cry
In Agony They Linger
In loneliness They Die.
I've received a lot of angry comments about the dog in the cement truck. I found that video in the amazing documentary, Earthlings. There was a stray problem in another country, and so when they would find stray dogs, the public were told to kill them. And this unfortunate dog was a stray, and was put to death in a very appalling and horrific way. To keep this from happening again, please spay and neuter your animals. Although it is mostly human's faults for the overpopulation crisis, humans can also be the fix for it too.
- Buy "Your Guardian Angel" oniTunes
- Artist
The disgusting treatment of dairy cows and their calves! - YouTube
The disgusting treatment of dairy cows and their calves! - YouTube:
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The disgusting treatment of dairy cows and their calves!
Dairy cows are the hardest worked farm animals. and mothers. The only reason they produce milk is to feed their calves... but we steal their milk and deprive their calves of the love and affection, security that is their right as living, breathing creatures. They suffer abuse, neglect, illness. Separated from all the calves they give birth to. Dairy cows living in a happy healthy environment can live for up to 25 years. But because of their hard lives, they are worn out by 4 or 5 years old. They will be sent to slaughter, where many cannot even stand up anymore. They are filled with fear, as they smell the blood of others who have had their throats cut, and struggle to escape when they hear the cries of the other cows. An absolute gruelling life and gruelling death, all inhumane and cruel. Cows are sensitive, and are sentient creatures, they deserve respect and compassion.
These farm animals are the forgotten ones, i feel so hurt that there is no human compassion for them, and it is taken for granted they are just milk machines.
They feel love, fear, comfort, and grief. As we do.
Cows are extremely gentle and affectionate animals. They form strong bonds with one another, particularly between mother and child.
"The very saddest sound in all my memory was burned into my awareness at age five on my uncle's dairy farm in Wisconsin. A cow had given birth to a beautiful male calf...On the second day after birth, my uncle took the calf from the mother and placed him in the veal pen in the barn—only ten yards away, in plain view of his mother. The mother cow could see her infant, smell him, hear him, but could not touch him, comfort him, or nurse him. The heartrending bellows that she poured forth—minute after minute, hour after hour, for five long days—were excruciating to listen to. They are the most poignant and painful auditory memories I carry in my brain."
Michael Klaper M.D.
Please visit:http://www.milkmyths.org/and...http://www.notmilk.com/
Dangers Of Milk And Dairy Products - The Facts
Please also watch:
The Dairy Industry's 'Dark Secret' - The Killing of Pregnant Cows and their Calves.
Mothers love their children!
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The disgusting treatment of dairy cows and their calves!
Dairy cows are the hardest worked farm animals. and mothers. The only reason they produce milk is to feed their calves... but we steal their milk and deprive their calves of the love and affection, security that is their right as living, breathing creatures. They suffer abuse, neglect, illness. Separated from all the calves they give birth to. Dairy cows living in a happy healthy environment can live for up to 25 years. But because of their hard lives, they are worn out by 4 or 5 years old. They will be sent to slaughter, where many cannot even stand up anymore. They are filled with fear, as they smell the blood of others who have had their throats cut, and struggle to escape when they hear the cries of the other cows. An absolute gruelling life and gruelling death, all inhumane and cruel. Cows are sensitive, and are sentient creatures, they deserve respect and compassion.
These farm animals are the forgotten ones, i feel so hurt that there is no human compassion for them, and it is taken for granted they are just milk machines.
They feel love, fear, comfort, and grief. As we do.
Cows are extremely gentle and affectionate animals. They form strong bonds with one another, particularly between mother and child.
"The very saddest sound in all my memory was burned into my awareness at age five on my uncle's dairy farm in Wisconsin. A cow had given birth to a beautiful male calf...On the second day after birth, my uncle took the calf from the mother and placed him in the veal pen in the barn—only ten yards away, in plain view of his mother. The mother cow could see her infant, smell him, hear him, but could not touch him, comfort him, or nurse him. The heartrending bellows that she poured forth—minute after minute, hour after hour, for five long days—were excruciating to listen to. They are the most poignant and painful auditory memories I carry in my brain."
Michael Klaper M.D.
Please visit:http://www.milkmyths.org/and...http://www.notmilk.com/
Dangers Of Milk And Dairy Products - The Facts
Please also watch:
The Dairy Industry's 'Dark Secret' - The Killing of Pregnant Cows and their Calves.
Mothers love their children!
Cal-Cruz Cruelty [Warning: graphic footage.] - YouTube
Cal-Cruz Cruelty [Warning: graphic footage.] - YouTube: "Represented by Animal Legal Defense Fund attorneys, Compassion Over Killing (COK) filed a complaint in the California Superior Court in Santa Cruz to stop alleged ongoing animal abuse at Cal-Cruz Hatcheries, Inc., a Santa Cruz chicken hatchery the handles millions of chickens per year. Undercover video footage, taken by a COK investigator working inside Cal-Cruz Hatcheries, reveals shocking abuse of newly-hatched chicks. Learn more at http://aldf.org/cal-cruz
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Death on a Factory Farm - Clip 5 - YouTube
Death on a Factory Farm - Clip 5 - YouTube: "In the animal cruelty trial of the owners of a hog farm resulting from "Pete's" investigation, a veterinary expert testifying for the defense is shown a clip of employees hanging a hog from a forklift with a chain around its throat in order to euthanize it. The hog is seen struggling for five minutes. The expert testifies that he cannot determine whether or not the animal is suffering.
DEATH ON A FACTORY FARM, directed and produced by Tom Simon and Sarah Teale, will air on HBO March 16 at 10 pm EST/Pacific.
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DEATH ON A FACTORY FARM, directed and produced by Tom Simon and Sarah Teale, will air on HBO March 16 at 10 pm EST/Pacific.
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The Farming of Bear Bile.. - YouTube
The Farming of Bear Bile.. - YouTube: "I made this video, because I was really moved by what China and Vietnam are doing to our endangered Moon Bears. I hope for this video to deliver the same message I have put into it..speak up! [:
Thanks for watching, please comment rate or subscribe if you would like to!
Thanks :D
Buy "Apologize (feat. "
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Thanks for watching, please comment rate or subscribe if you would like to!
Thanks :D
Buy "Apologize (feat. "
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Overlooked: The Lives of Animals Raised for Food - YouTube
Overlooked: The Lives of Animals Raised for Food - YouTube: "Narrated by James Cromwell, 'Overlooked' takes a look at the cruelty animals endure on factory farms, as well as recent advancements for farm animals and what you can do to help them.
Help farm animals and follow the Three Rs:
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Help farm animals and follow the Three Rs:
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Kopenhagen Fur - responsible for horrifying animal cruelty - YouTube
Kopenhagen Fur - responsible for horrifying animal cruelty - YouTube: "WARNING video contains cruelty towards animals
This video is from the danish newspaper Ekstrabladet.
It contains footage of danish production of mink- and foxfur recorded by animalrights activists, Anima, and journalists. It shows the horrible conditions that animals in the fur production in Denmark is living in.
Before these recording were aired on danish television on the 27 of october the danish fur industry, represented by Kopenhagen Fur, tried to stop the footage from being published by appealing for an injunction.
In this video you will see Erik Ugilt Hansen, President of Kopenhagen Fur, and Sander Jacobsen, Press Spokesman of Kopenhagen Fur being confronted by journalists, but they dont want to talk to the camera.
The last footage of suffering animals, you see in this video, is from Erik Ugilt Hansens own farm.
Please stop buying danish fur.
Kopenhagen Fur is a disgrace to Denmark.
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This video is from the danish newspaper Ekstrabladet.
It contains footage of danish production of mink- and foxfur recorded by animalrights activists, Anima, and journalists. It shows the horrible conditions that animals in the fur production in Denmark is living in.
Before these recording were aired on danish television on the 27 of october the danish fur industry, represented by Kopenhagen Fur, tried to stop the footage from being published by appealing for an injunction.
In this video you will see Erik Ugilt Hansen, President of Kopenhagen Fur, and Sander Jacobsen, Press Spokesman of Kopenhagen Fur being confronted by journalists, but they dont want to talk to the camera.
The last footage of suffering animals, you see in this video, is from Erik Ugilt Hansens own farm.
Please stop buying danish fur.
Kopenhagen Fur is a disgrace to Denmark.
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Mercy For Animals' Investigations: Deadly Exposing the Horrors of Factory Farms (1/2) - YouTube
Mercy For Animals' Investigations: Deadly Exposing the Horrors of Factory Farms (1/2) - YouTube: "http://SupremeMasterTV.com • AW1398; Aired on 13 Jul 2010
Non-profit organization Mercy For Animals once again investigate the violent conditions at a livestock farm. They are not only confined in small space but also are abused daily just so the farmers can get the most profit from their bodies...
• Please share those videos through facebook and other means. Subscribe, comment and like it are fully appreciated. The videos are in the public domain and free to use in any beneficial way. Download Link: http://video.suprememastertv.com/daily/2010.07.13/AW1398.wmv
Next: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgEzseXfO5w
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Non-profit organization Mercy For Animals once again investigate the violent conditions at a livestock farm. They are not only confined in small space but also are abused daily just so the farmers can get the most profit from their bodies...
• Please share those videos through facebook and other means. Subscribe, comment and like it are fully appreciated. The videos are in the public domain and free to use in any beneficial way. Download Link: http://video.suprememastertv.com/daily/2010.07.13/AW1398.wmv
Next: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgEzseXfO5w
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animal abuse - YouTube
animal abuse - YouTube: "the title is very self explainatory this video deplicts abuse that ranges from fur farming to farm animals to your normal domesticated cat or dog
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Animal Cruelty at Livestock Auctions - YouTube
Animal Cruelty at Livestock Auctions - YouTube: "HSUS (The Human Society of the United States) Examines Livestock Auctions for Animal Cruelty
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Extreme animal cruelty at Hormel supplier - YouTube
Extreme animal cruelty at Hormel supplier - YouTube: "For more than three months, PETA went undercover at an Iowa pig factory farm, which supplies piglets who are raised and killed for Hormel products. PETA found rampant cruelty to animals - "
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Cruelty to Baby Calves at Veal Farm in Ohio - YouTube
Cruelty to Baby Calves at Veal Farm in Ohio - YouTube: "Bob Barker narrates a new Mercy For Animals hidden camera investigation into one of the nation's top veal producers.
The footage reveals baby calves chained by their necks inside 2-feet wide wooden stalls -- so narrow they cannot turn around, walk, run, play, socialize with other animals, or engage in other basic natural behaviors for their entire lives.
Join Mercy For Animals, and Mr. Barker, in urging grocery chains Costco Wholesale and Giant Eagle to immediately remove veal from their store shelves -- much of which comes from the company investigated.
Please send polite emails to Costco's CEO, James Sinegal, at jsinegal@costco.com and Giant Eagle's CEO David Shapira, at david.shapira@gianteagle.com
Learn more at http://www.MercyForAnimals.org
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The footage reveals baby calves chained by their necks inside 2-feet wide wooden stalls -- so narrow they cannot turn around, walk, run, play, socialize with other animals, or engage in other basic natural behaviors for their entire lives.
Join Mercy For Animals, and Mr. Barker, in urging grocery chains Costco Wholesale and Giant Eagle to immediately remove veal from their store shelves -- much of which comes from the company investigated.
Please send polite emails to Costco's CEO, James Sinegal, at jsinegal@costco.com and Giant Eagle's CEO David Shapira, at david.shapira@gianteagle.com
Learn more at http://www.MercyForAnimals.org
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Farm Animals and Us Part 1 of 2 - YouTube
Farm Animals and Us Part 1 of 2 - YouTube: "Pigs, cows, and chickens are individuals with feelings—they can feel love, happiness, loneliness, and fear, just as dogs, cats, and people do. The purpose of factory farms is to produce the most meat, milk, and eggs using the least amount of space, time, and money.
Download Link:
File Type: MPG
File Size: 124MB
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Download Link:
File Type: MPG
File Size: 124MB
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Animal Cruelty Investigation - Australian Chicken Meat Supplier - YouTube
Animal Cruelty Investigation - Australian Chicken Meat Supplier - YouTube: "Animals Australia Investigates - One of Australias largest chicken meat suppliers revealing cruel conditions and unnecessary suffering. This is what meat suppliers such as Inghams and "
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Transportation of Farm Animals Investigation - YouTube
Transportation of Farm Animals Investigation - YouTube: "This is a video of a 2005 investigation of a US farm animal transportation done by Compassion Over Killing. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Animals being transported to slaughterhouses are crammed tightly into trucks, and travel for more than 28 hours without food, water or rest. They are exposed to harsh weather, and die from heat exhaustion or freeze to death -- often being frozen to the side of the truck -- before even making it to the slaughterhouse. These animals are treated as nothing more than money gaining products from the time they are born, during transport, and when they are slaughtered. They have done harm to no one, and yet are given no mercy. Go to tryveg.com and cok.net to learn more about animals who are raised for food and the best way you can help them.
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New England Egg Farm Investigation - YouTube
New England Egg Farm Investigation - YouTube: "A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals shocking abuse at New Englands largest egg factory farm - Quality Egg of New England (QENE) in Turner, Maine. The hidden camera video shot in early 2009 gives a startling glimpse behind the closed doors of one of the nations leading egg producers, exposing the rotten truth behind battery cage egg production heinous cruelty to animals.
The findings of MFA's newest investigation are similar to those documented at numerous egg farms across the country in recent years - illustrating that animal neglect and abuse are the egg industry standard, not the exception.
Thankfully, consumers hold enormous power in ending the exploitation of egg-laying hens. Every time we sit down to eat we can choose kindness over cruelty by adopting a vegan diet.
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The findings of MFA's newest investigation are similar to those documented at numerous egg farms across the country in recent years - illustrating that animal neglect and abuse are the egg industry standard, not the exception.
Thankfully, consumers hold enormous power in ending the exploitation of egg-laying hens. Every time we sit down to eat we can choose kindness over cruelty by adopting a vegan diet.
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Stop Animal Cruelty in Washington - YES! on 1130 - YouTube
Stop Animal Cruelty in Washington - YES! on 1130 - YouTube: "Washingtonians for Humane Farms is a coalition of animal welfare, family farming, food safety, and environmental groups working to place an important measure on this November's statewide ballot to prevent the extreme confinement of egg-laying hens.
About six million egg-laying hens in Washington are crammed into cages so small, they can barely move an inch for virtually their whole lives. This measure simply ensures that these animals have enough room to stretch their wings.
Join the campaign: http://yeson1130.com/
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About six million egg-laying hens in Washington are crammed into cages so small, they can barely move an inch for virtually their whole lives. This measure simply ensures that these animals have enough room to stretch their wings.
Join the campaign: http://yeson1130.com/
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Dairy Farm Brutality at Conklin Dairy Farms in Plain City, Ohio - YouTube
Dairy Farm Brutality at Conklin Dairy Farms in Plain City, Ohio - YouTube: "An undercover footage exposes dairy farm workers sadistically abusing cows and young calves. The Video was recorded during a new Mercy For Animals four-week investigation between April and May 2010 at Conklin Dairy Farms in Plain City, Ohio. "
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Pamela Anderson Exposes KFC's Animal Cruelty - YouTube
Pamela Anderson Exposes KFC's Animal Cruelty - YouTube: "Go Vegetarian or Vegan: www.TryVeg.com
Want to do more to help farm animals? Go to www.humanesociety.org/farm.
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Want to do more to help farm animals? Go to www.humanesociety.org/farm.
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10 Billion Lives - YouTube
10 Billion Lives - YouTube: "In partnership with Farm Animal Rights Movement (F.A.R.M.), Veracity Films created this video to show the horrors and cruelty of the meat, egg, and dairy industries. Over 10 Billion farmed animals are killed each year for food, in the U.S. alone. Let's stop animal abuse! By going vegan, you can save up to 100 animals per year! And the benefits don't stop there! For more info, go to www.livevegan.org
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Animal cruelty violent murder on a Pig farm "P-u-r-a-t-o-n-e", Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. - YouTube
Animal cruelty violent murder on a Pig farm "P-u-r-a-t-o-n-e", Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. - YouTube: "Mercy-4-Animals undercover at Pur-atone.Content shows EXTREME Cruelty and Harsh imagery.Someone should stop this.Where is P.E.T.A.? I DO NOT own this video. All copyrights belong to CTV__W5, affiliates, and anyone else I did not mention. This is Non commercial ,transformative small clip . No harm is intended in displaying this short clip. All rights belong to CTV and W5 and the undercover worker who took the video.. I do not own this clip. No copy right infringement was intended. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
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Undercover Investigation: Animal Abuse at Iowa Egg Factories - YouTube
Undercover Investigation: Animal Abuse at Iowa Egg Factories - YouTube: "The largest egg producers in the nation are revealed in a 2010 HSUS investigation. This inhumane treatment exposed at Rose Acre Farms and Rembrandt Enterprises is typical industry behavior.
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Where is our food coming from? (farm animal production in India) - YouTube
Where is our food coming from? (farm animal production in India) - YouTube: "See how most farm animals are raised around the world and how going meat-free even one day a week can help prevent animal cruelty: http://www.hsi.org/issues/eating/meatfree_guide/meatfree_meals_guide.html
English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x65Nqb96FOU
Espanol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS6fhygDbwg
Portugues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzuVrklGv7A
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English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x65Nqb96FOU
Espanol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS6fhygDbwg
Portugues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzuVrklGv7A
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Vote YES on the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act! - YouTube
Vote YES on the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act! - YouTube: "THANK YOU to everyone who helped Prop 2 to pass!
On November 4, Proposition 2 on the ballot in California was the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act. This will provide farm animals with the ability to turn around and extend their limbs.
Visit http://www.MarinHumaneSociety.org/HelpAnimals/prop2.html to learn more about this campaign, and what you can do to help animals in need.
Go to http://www.MarinHumaneSociety.org to find out more about the Marin Humane Society's efforts to protect animals, as well as to see dogs, cats, and other pets who are available for adoption.
All of the animals in humane conditions are residents of Farm Sanctuary.
Photo credits:
Animals in humane conditions: Farm Sanctuary, Connie Pugh, Derek Goodwin, JoAnne McArthur.
Animals in cruel conditions: Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing.
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On November 4, Proposition 2 on the ballot in California was the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act. This will provide farm animals with the ability to turn around and extend their limbs.
Visit http://www.MarinHumaneSociety.org/HelpAnimals/prop2.html to learn more about this campaign, and what you can do to help animals in need.
Go to http://www.MarinHumaneSociety.org to find out more about the Marin Humane Society's efforts to protect animals, as well as to see dogs, cats, and other pets who are available for adoption.
All of the animals in humane conditions are residents of Farm Sanctuary.
Photo credits:
Animals in humane conditions: Farm Sanctuary, Connie Pugh, Derek Goodwin, JoAnne McArthur.
Animals in cruel conditions: Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing.
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Millions to "FIGHT ANIMAL CRUELTY" in New Zealand - YouTube
Millions to "FIGHT ANIMAL CRUELTY" in New Zealand - YouTube: "The founder of outdoor clothing and equipment chain Kathmandu has given $2 million to help fight factory farming with some of the money being offered to workers to rat on their bosses. "
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Animal Cruelty in Factory Farming is Institutionalized - YouTube
Animal Cruelty in Factory Farming is Institutionalized - YouTube: "Farm animals like all animals deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. Gene Baur, President and Co-Founder of Farm Sanctuary, explains the cruelty perpetrated by the institutions governing factory farming. The Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act provides the most basic protection to farm animals: merely allowing them to turn around and extend their limbs. Please vote YES on proposition 2 in California on November 4, 2008. For more information please visit www.YesOnProp2.com and www.HumaneCalifornia.org
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MFA's Undercover Investigations: Exposing Animal Cruelty - YouTube
MFA's Undercover Investigations: Exposing Animal Cruelty - YouTube: "Behind the closed doors of our nation's factory farms, slaughterhouses and hatcheries, billions of animals suffer out of sight, and out of mind. These animals know no kind touch or compassionate care, only a life filled with intensive confinement, abusive handling, painful mutilations, careless neglect, and merciless slaughter.
Though these animals struggle, kick and scream, their cries all too often fall on the deaf ears of profit-driven factory farm producers, who view these sentient and intelligent creatures as mere production units and commodities.
But what animal abusers work so hard to conceal from public view, Mercy For Animals works diligently to expose.
Wired with hidden cameras, MFA's team of undercover investigators documents the harsh realities of industrial animal agriculture where cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys are subjected to a life of misery that few could even imagine.
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Though these animals struggle, kick and scream, their cries all too often fall on the deaf ears of profit-driven factory farm producers, who view these sentient and intelligent creatures as mere production units and commodities.
But what animal abusers work so hard to conceal from public view, Mercy For Animals works diligently to expose.
Wired with hidden cameras, MFA's team of undercover investigators documents the harsh realities of industrial animal agriculture where cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys are subjected to a life of misery that few could even imagine.
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Animal Abuse At Vermont Farm - YouTube
Animal Abuse At Vermont Farm - YouTube: "Pete from WobblyMind.com visits a farm in Vermont where many animals are killed for no reason.
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Animal cruelty at Burger King farm! - YouTube
Animal cruelty at Burger King farm! - YouTube: "
This is where your burger comes from!
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This is where your burger comes from!
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MEAT INDUSTRY LIES - Ag Gaga Bill - Film Animal Cruelty Factory Farms Felony (MFA PETA HSUS) Mad Cow - YouTube
MEAT INDUSTRY LIES - Ag Gaga Bill - Film Animal Cruelty Factory Farms Felony (MFA PETA HSUS) Mad Cow - YouTube: "MEATvideo.com (Factory Farm videos - share on FB so efforts are not in vein), MercyforAnimals.org, VeganOutreach.org, AdoptaCollege.org (volunteer/donate), VeganBodyBuilding.com, VeganHealth.org (RD), VegCooking.com
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Animal Cruelty - Milk Fed Veal Farm - YouTube
Animal Cruelty - Milk Fed Veal Farm - YouTube: "An inside look at a milk fed veal farm."
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FDA Exposed- Animal Cruelty caught on Cam. - YouTube
FDA Exposed- Animal Cruelty caught on Cam. - YouTube: "Now is the time for action! We can make a difference.
Please share this video or make your own and please sign the petition.
More here!http://www.mercyforanimals.org/investigations.aspx
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Please share this video or make your own and please sign the petition.
More here!http://www.mercyforanimals.org/investigations.aspx
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Disturbing Video Shows Animal Cruelty at PA Pig Farm in USA - YouTube
Disturbing Video Shows Animal Cruelty at PA Pig Farm in USA - YouTube: "Fox News: The video starts by showing CVFF employees picking up baby pigs by their ears and hind legs and throwing them between employees.
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The Ugly Side of Milk: Animal Cruelty - YouTube
The Ugly Side of Milk: Animal Cruelty - YouTube: "Graphic footage suggests milk cows may be victims of some cruel practices.
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Animal Cruelty on Chicken Farms - YouTube
Animal Cruelty on Chicken Farms - YouTube: "A video depicting the animal cruelty going on in Chicken farms
PS: Someone needs to do something about it if this video inspired you Demand action done about it!"
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PS: Someone needs to do something about it if this video inspired you Demand action done about it!"
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Animal abuse at fur farms supported by the Finnish Prime Minister - YouTube
Animal abuse at fur farms supported by the Finnish Prime Minister - YouTube: "Finnish fur farms were exposed once again in a massive investigation. Footage is shocking. At the same time, Prime Minister of Finland Mari Kiviniemi is getting funding for election campaigns from the fur industry, and the person responsible for her election campaigns is a spokesperson for the Finnish Fur Sales, "
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STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY And They Will Never Fly Again: The Horrors of Duck and Goose Factory Farming - YouTube
STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY And They Will Never Fly Again: The Horrors of Duck and Goose Factory Farming - YouTube: "STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY And They Will Never Fly Again: The Horrors of Duck and Goose Factory Farming. Episode: 943, Air Date: 14 April 2009.
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Ag Bill Makes Filming Animal Cruelty At Factory Farms A Felony - YouTube
Ag Bill Makes Filming Animal Cruelty At Factory Farms A Felony - YouTube:
The country's wealthiest woman has pledged $2 million to fight animal cruelty - and will give cash to anyone who dobs in farmers' cruel practices.SAFE's Hans Kriek said his organisation has not
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The country's wealthiest woman has pledged $2 million to fight animal cruelty - and will give cash to anyone who dobs in farmers' cruel practices.SAFE's Hans Kriek said his organisation has not
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Cruelty revealed - unbearable handling of a downer cow - YouTube
Cruelty revealed - unbearable handling of a downer cow - YouTube: "Animals' Angels documented the horrible mistreatment of a downed cow at an auction in Pennsylvania.The auction employees used a bobcat, a fork lift and excessive electric prodding trying to make her move.
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Earn $2 million "FARM ANIMAL CRUELTY" Reward to fight "FARM ANIMAL CRUELTY" - YouTube
"FARM ANIMAL CRUELTY" Reward to fight "FARM ANIMAL CRUELTY" - YouTube: "The country's wealthiest woman has pledged $2 million to fight animal cruelty - and will give cash to anyone who dobs in farmers' cruel practices.SAFE's Hans Kriek said his organisation has not "
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"Prevent Animal Cruelty" - Farm to Fridge, The Transformation of Animals into Food - YouTube
"Prevent Animal Cruelty" - Farm to Fridge, The Transformation of Animals into Food - YouTube: "Fortunately, each one of us has the power to help end this suffering by simply choosing to eat vegan.
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Farmer Jailed Over 'Horrific' Animal Cruelty - YouTube
Farmer Jailed Over 'Horrific' Animal Cruelty - YouTube: "More http://the-salfordian.com/farmer-jailed-over-horrific-animal-cruelty/
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WHY Vegetarian WARNING GRAPHIC TRUTH Factory Farm MEAT Fish (MFA no PETA) HSUS ASPCA Animal Cruelty - YouTube
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality - YouTube
Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality - YouTube: "Hidden camera video secretly shot by an investigator with Mercy For Animals at an Ohio dairy farm reveals shocking, malicious cruelty to calves and cows. The video, recorded between April and May, 2010, shows dairy farm workers beating cows in the face with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks, breaking their tails, and "
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Concealed Cruelty - Pork Industry Animal Abuse Exposed - YouTube
Concealed Cruelty - Pork Industry Animal Abuse Exposed - YouTube: "A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation provides a shocking look into one of the nation's largest pork producers -- Iowa Select Farms in Kamrar, Iowa. At this factory farm, mother sows and their piglets are forced to suffer brutal abuse and lives of unrelenting confinement and misery."
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Farm animal abuse - YouTube
Farm animal abuse - YouTube: "Some people don't even know what is going on, and that is sad. See what is happening behind the walls. Please comment!!!!
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Farm Animal Cruelty - Stop the torture - YouTube
Farm Animal Cruelty - Stop the torture - YouTube: "Not all farms abuse animals, but many across the world do. The footage of the abuse was obtained by Mercy For Animals, and it shows how farmers abused and tortured Cows and Chickens. "
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Animal Abuse. Warning:Extremely Disturbing. Farm to Fridge short w/subtitles See MercyForAnimals.org - YouTube
Animal Abuse. Warning:Extremely Disturbing. Farm to Fridge short w/subtitles See MercyForAnimals.org - YouTube: "-Short version Farm to Fridge with subtitles used by permission of Mercy For Animals www.MercyForAnimals.org
-Animals are intelligent living beings but cannot speak any languages. They scream in pain to communicate their horror of being tortured and killed. Humans kill around 60 BILLION animals for food each year. A plant based diet is a more heart-healthy diet and is a step towards a more ethical treatment of animals.
-Mercy For Animals is a national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.
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-Animals are intelligent living beings but cannot speak any languages. They scream in pain to communicate their horror of being tortured and killed. Humans kill around 60 BILLION animals for food each year. A plant based diet is a more heart-healthy diet and is a step towards a more ethical treatment of animals.
-Mercy For Animals is a national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.
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Factory Farm Animal Abuse - YouTube
Factory Farm Animal Abuse - YouTube: "Factory farm animals are the most cruelly abused animals in the United States, and IT'S ALL LEGAL!
Farm animals are not protected under the same laws cats and dogs are!"
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Farm animals are not protected under the same laws cats and dogs are!"
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Animal Cruelty (From Farm To Fridge) Part 2 - YouTube
Animal Cruelty (From Farm To Fridge) Part 2 - YouTube: "Do you still want to eat animals? Time to change your diet."
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Factory Farm Animal Cruelty - YouTube
Factory Farm Animal Cruelty - YouTube: "All that I am advocating here is for free range farming and the ethical treatment of animals. There is absolutely no need for factory farming. "
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Farm Animal Welfare - YouTube
Farm Animal Welfare - YouTube:
Factory farming threatens animal welfare, human health and the environment
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Factory farming threatens animal welfare, human health and the environment
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Music video from Morrissey of The Smiths Meat is Murder
Music video from Morrissey of The Smiths - YouTube:
any way you slice it its the holocaust by billions
every year
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any way you slice it its the holocaust by billions
every year
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EVOLVE! Campaigns
EVOLVE! Campaigns:
What is it that makes us human? Is it the ability to walk on two feet or our capacity to think and reason? For many eons humanity has slumbered in an unconscious state and we have somehow strayed into a prison of our own making because of it. Our very make-up has been distorted and we are slowly engineering ourselves towards extinction. We have now reached a point however, when we are starting to realise that we need to awaken from this deep slumber and for the sake of our planet - and all life upon it - become the conscious, morally responsible and compassionate beings that we are all capable of evolving into.
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What is it that makes us human? Is it the ability to walk on two feet or our capacity to think and reason? For many eons humanity has slumbered in an unconscious state and we have somehow strayed into a prison of our own making because of it. Our very make-up has been distorted and we are slowly engineering ourselves towards extinction. We have now reached a point however, when we are starting to realise that we need to awaken from this deep slumber and for the sake of our planet - and all life upon it - become the conscious, morally responsible and compassionate beings that we are all capable of evolving into.
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The Real Price Of Dairy (with English subtitles) - YouTube
The Real Price Of Dairy (with English subtitles) - YouTube:
so f*cked!!!!!!!!!!! these farmers are f*cking crazy!!!! don't help them!!!!! takes the baby from the mother hours after being born
hitler was much nicer than this
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so f*cked!!!!!!!!!!! these farmers are f*cking crazy!!!! don't help them!!!!! takes the baby from the mother hours after being born
hitler was much nicer than this
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W5 Undercover investigation reveals disturbing and inhumane treatment of factory farm animals
Undercover investigation reveals disturbing and inhumane treatment of factory farm animals:
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/undercover-investigation-reveals-disturbing-and-inhumane-treatment-of-factory-farm-animals-1.1070919#ixzz2GhBu0ZHP
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Just off a country road north of Winnipeg, in the nearly featureless winter landscape of rural Manitoba, there is a series of nondescript barn buildings. The only hint of what goes on inside is a sign posted in the driveway that reads “Highest Productivity Sow Farm.” It is unlikely anyone passing by would give the place, or any other like it anywhere in Canada, a second thought. That may be about to change.
This Saturday, CTV’s W5 program will broadcast secretly recorded video of how the pork available in major supermarkets everywhere begins its life. It is not easy viewing. After screening it, the CEO of Canada’s Federation of Humane Societies, Barbara Cartwright, predicted Canadians are in for a shock. “They are not used to seeing this,” she said. “They still believe animals are being raised in the old farm style.”
The reality could hardly be more different. The video shows what amounts to a living production line with thousands of pregnant sows, each held in a tiny metal stall where they will spend the nearly four months of their gestation. When they are ready, they are transferred to a slightly larger stall called a farrowing crate where they will give birth. After three weeks, the piglets are then sent away for fattening and eventual slaughter while the sows are returned to the gestation crates, re-impregnated to start the cycle again.
At a Manitoba pig farm, impregnated sows are kept in small metal crates, side by side, until they are ready to give birth.
Barbara Cartwright, CEO of Canada’s Federation of Humane Societies, says she believes that the investigation will change the way consumers think about pork.
Thousands of pregnant sows are kept in rows of gestation crates at this Manitoba farm as part of a living production line.
Piglets are shipped off for 'fattening,' and often have their tails and testicles cut off without anesthesia.
The man who secretly videotaped the operation worked at the barn for nearly three months last summer and early fall. He continues to work on other animal welfare investigations. He agreed to speak about his experiences on the condition his identity is not disclosed.
“The conditions are horrible,” he told W5 in an interview. “Nothing could prepare me for what I saw. There are thousands of pregnant pigs in these crates nearly their entire lives.”
The video also shows piglets having their tails cut, the males among them being castrated, all without anesthetic. Sub-standard piglets are killed using a method called thumping. It consists of an employee swinging the animal by its hind legs, striking its head against any nearby hard object, the remains thrown into a pile, some piglets appearing to be still alive. Sows that are no longer productive are dispatched using a device that fires a bolt into the brain. But it does not always appear to work effectively.
Dr. Mary Richardson, who chaired the Animal Welfare Committee for the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association, viewed the video and wrote, “It clearly shows evidence of abuse and neglect leading to tremendous unnecessary suffering.” An Alberta based veterinarian, Dr. Debi Zimmerman wrote bluntly, “These animals endure a life filled with privations, unrelenting physical, mental pain and emotional distress.” And after watching images of one employee appearing to botch the task of euthanizing a fully grown pig, Dr. Ian Duncan of the University of Guelph, called it, “…the worst cruelty inflicted on an animal that I have witnessed in many years.”
While the images may be disturbing, experts interviewed by W5 concluded that the actions of the farm staff are within accepted industry standards and likely did not break any laws.
The sow farm is owned by a major Manitoba pork producer, Puratone, that is based in Niverville, a town just south of Winnipeg. It turned down repeated requests to be interviewed, but after two weeks of back-and-forth communication with W5 was provided an opportunity to screen the video at its headquarters.
President and Chief Executive Officer Ray Hildebrand provided the following statement: “We are disturbed by some of the images shown in this video, which do not reflect our principles or our animal welfare policy and operating procedures. We have launched an immediate investigation and corrective actions are underway.
“Over our 25 years of farming operations we have strictly followed the provincial regulations regarding animal welfare … and we have two veterinarians on staff to support this mandate.”
The letter implies that the video is highlighting the actions of a few who are the exception in an industry that otherwise, takes animal welfare seriously.
Those responsible for the undercover video disagree. They are part of a group called Mercy for Animals. It is American-based but is expanding north with a new chapter called Mercy for Animals Canada. It says its Manitoba investigation is the first of its kind done in Canada, the world's second largest pork exporter.
The group points out that castration and tail docking without anesthetic, the use of thumping and bolt guns to euthanize, and confinement of animals in tiny stalls are all standard across Canada. But not elsewhere.
Kate Parkes, who is the Senior Scientific Officer for the United Kingdom’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals concluded, “Some of what is seen in the video is poor practice and some of it would be illegal over here (in the U.K.).”
Critics of Canada’s standards often cite the methods of confining pigs as an example of how the country is lagging behind others, particularly in Europe. Dr. Parkes said, “Gestation crates are illegal in the U.K. They were banned in 1999 on welfare grounds.” The rest of Europe will follow suit in the new year.
Canada’s pork producers do follow a set of rules, appropriately called the Pig Code of Practice, that hasn’t changed in 20 years. Animal welfare activists say the code was outdated even before it was written.
One of the activists who helped plan the hidden camera operation is Twyla Francois, the Head of Investigations at Mercy for Animals Canada, and well-known to the industry. She argues that pork producers are not intentionally cruel, but are working “…with a set of standards and a system of rearing animals that’s inappropriate and this is the result, unbelievable suffering.”
Canada’s producers agree that the standards are in need of change, but there is reluctance to move quickly. Andrew Dickson, with the Manitoba Pork Council told W5 that the practice of crating pigs was created to protect them from hurting and competing with one another. “We’re being careful with change,” he said, “because with a new system there’s no guarantee that these animals will have the same level of care that we might have had with the previous system.”
And in fact, the whole process of change appears to have stalled. On November 20, the National Farm Animal Care Council that will set the new farm standards wrote, “We know our industry is going through a very bad time financially. At the end of the day, if the producers can not incorporate changes that we’re proposing, their option is either to go out of business or perhaps put themselves in a very negative financial position.”
The industry in other words is arguing that for now, change is a luxury it cannot afford. Animal welfare groups will argue, it is the status quo that the country cannot afford. But the undercover video will give animal activists a powerful boost for their argument.
The image of production lines of animals being bred, raised and killed to provide low-cost meat, cannot be made pretty. It’s why the doors of the Canada’s pig farms have been kept firmly closed. Until now.
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/undercover-investigation-reveals-disturbing-and-inhumane-treatment-of-factory-farm-animals-1.1070919#ixzz2GhBu0ZHP
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