FREE: Free Range Chickens Sooke, Victoria:
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cruelty free???? hmmmm now to slaughter??
Vegans for World Peace
Our food system is inefficient, cruel and we are wasting our resources. We will run out of clean water, deplete the soil of nutrients and collapse the ecosystem. We are destroying the tropical rainforest, the lungs of the planet, and home to millions (if not trillions) of species of life forms that took millions of years of evolution to create. We are growing food on this land to feed the animals we eat (for the most part.) We are creating mass extinction and we are not immune to extinction ourselves as we are dealing in a land of finite resources. Humans are starving right now because we choose to feed their food to the animals we eat. Approx. 50,000 litres of drinking water goes into producing 1 kilo of beef or a gallon of milk. It takes approximately 10 times more grain to feed a "food" animal to eat it than it does to just feed the grain directly to the human being. We can feed 7 billion humans much more efficiently than 100 billion or more land animals. And we are ignoring our moral obligation to protect innocent animals and people who cannot protect themselves. Yes animals in the wild eat flesh but they do not breed in captivity and confine their prey to spaces indoors without space enough to turn around or be comfortable at all during the entire life. These animals are living a life of torture. No wild animal is so cruel to abuse, torture, confine, neglect, overcrowd, beat, cram in cages so small they never move, allow them no exercise, no sunshine, EVER, no movement even! Cut up into pieces while conscious, skin them alive, boil alive, etc etc etc This is common the world over. 100 billion a year we slaughter!!!!! and we kill another 1-3 trillion in the oceans. Non human animals are not capable of cultivating plant crops, however we are. We do not need animal products to survive. Some animals do need other animals to survive we are not one of them - many have proven this. Our intestines are long like herbivores and we have a back up emergency system we are abusing. Animal protein and fat creates disease in our body where plant food does not. We can derive all we need from plants and bacteria, rather than have the animals process this for us. If we focus on feeding the people directly we stop the torture and slaughter. If you eat meat dairy or eggs and you watch how the pigs, cows, chickens, farmed fish etc live you, will see they suffer immensely. When we take from the oceans we risk the lives of the sharks and whales who are essential to the ocean ecosystem. We need to keep it in balance. And the taste for flesh is not worth mass suffering beyond comprehension. We can learn to eat the plants. If you don't have the stomach to watch these videos on how the "food" animals live - it is because you already know it is creating suffering for them. Please stop supporting animal cruelty immediately! We can eat if we grow food for us rather than the animals we breed into existence to consume. We threaten the wildlife when we farm the land to grow the animal food. There is enough food for everyone but not enough to feed and care properly for so many animals! Every social issue is solved by going to a plant based diet and provides a tangible way of knowing who is cruel and who believes all life is sacred. The torture can stop but it takes each and every one of us to make it happen. Violence is a choice. Please stop contributing to lifetimes of starvation, torture, confinement, abuse, and slaughter. Please stop! Let us instead worship all life, not just our own. Let's love and worship instead of destroy, torture, and exploit ok?! Please! We can do this! And we will be better for it!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
down feathers tortured animals
(4) Facebook: "please remember me next time you are tempted to buy feather down. I don't want to live in a metal box and have someone tear my feathers out whilst I'm still alive, so roughly they tear my skin and then sew me up with needle and thread and no anaesthetic and then put me back in a metal box till next time. please, buy something else."
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Bulls are not violent in sanctuary they know how evil men are and want them dead. i agree
(4) Facebook:
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A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
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A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
Bulls are not violent in sanctuary they know how evil men are and want them dead. i agree
(4) Facebook:
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A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
'via Blog this'
A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
Bulls are not violent in sanctuary they know how evil men are and want them dead. i agree
(4) Facebook:
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A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
'via Blog this'
A "bull" refers to a male bovine who has not yet been castrated ("steer" if castrated). Among animal farmers, sexually mature Holstein bulls have a reputation of being more dangerous than most other breeds even if they are bottle-fed by humans so the rule among farmers is: "never turn your back on a bull regardless of breed."
It is believed among farmers that a bull can go from a gentle giant to an aggressive bull in a matter of days because once he hits sexual maturity, he begins to treat humans like he would a rival bull. A bull is not slow; he can easily outrun you. A bull is not stupid at all, and once he has you down (even if he doesn't have horns), he can easily crush you. A randy bull can break a hot wire with high volts just to get a cow in heat. A bull is also protective of his herd and will defend the cows. It's because of all these reasons that dairy farmers prefer not to have a bull around and instead artificially inseminate cows. If a cow cannot get pregnant via artificial insemination then as a last resort, the bull might be allowed to impregnate the cow if it economically makes sense to hold onto the cow (otherwise, cows who can no longer get pregnant are sent off to slaughter). Bulls exploited for their semen rarely go outside so they, too, are the victims of the dairy industry. Eventually, they, too, get slaughtered.
It's important to note though Cayce Mell and Jason Tracy who had founded OohMahNee Farm Sanctuary and rescued thousands of farmed animals both from factory and "family" farms while their sanctuary was in operation describe bulls in a completely different way by saying "they are like big puppies."Bulls
Dairy is Devil
Facebook: "He will spend his final hours at the abattoir
cold and hungry, and may be denied food for
up to 30 hours before he is killed. Meanwhile,
his mother bellows for her lost calf as her
milk is harvested for human consumption.
Please seek alternate cruelty free products there are many to be found.
Animals Australia -
More info here. — with Gina Testigo, Luzviminda D. Cruz and Armie Neonila.
Tags: Animal Welfare Cartoons NRT
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cold and hungry, and may be denied food for
up to 30 hours before he is killed. Meanwhile,
his mother bellows for her lost calf as her
milk is harvested for human consumption.
Please seek alternate cruelty free products there are many to be found.
Animals Australia -
More info here. — with Gina Testigo, Luzviminda D. Cruz and Armie Neonila.
Tags: Animal Welfare Cartoons NRT
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Meaters LOOK
(2) Facebook: "
Some people say, "Just because I eat meat, it does not mean I am not a peaceful or compassionate person. But a peaceful life cannot be built on a foundation of violence, and nothing 'compassionate' ever came from a slaughterhouse."
-J. Tyler"
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Some people say, "Just because I eat meat, it does not mean I am not a peaceful or compassionate person. But a peaceful life cannot be built on a foundation of violence, and nothing 'compassionate' ever came from a slaughterhouse."
-J. Tyler"
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Running out of Fish in the oceans
(14) Facebook: "By 2048 scientists predict the oceans will be empty. Why? Is it due to supertrawlers? No. It is due to pollution? No. So who is responsible? We are. We use animals for food, clothing, entertainment and other reasons. WE create demand. Supertrawlers meet that demand. End demand by becoming vegan and educating others to do so. Only then will supply end. It's simple. So let's stop blaming industry and take responsibility.
Not vegan? It's easier than you think. Please start here :-) — with Sandra M Vazquez.
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Not vegan? It's easier than you think. Please start here :-) — with Sandra M Vazquez.
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Cruel Humans!!!
(14) Facebook:
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We are the only animal species that enslaves and contains others in cages or confined areas, in a world of prisons and psychological torture chambers. No other animal species does this. Why do humans? What is it about own species that thinks nothing of imprisoning completely innocent creatures, and then not only imprisoning them, but causing them harm, torture, and disease?
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We are the only animal species that enslaves and contains others in cages or confined areas, in a world of prisons and psychological torture chambers. No other animal species does this. Why do humans? What is it about own species that thinks nothing of imprisoning completely innocent creatures, and then not only imprisoning them, but causing them harm, torture, and disease?
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Dariy Babies Crying :((((
Avez vous vu des veaux pleurer ? - YouTube:
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Have you ever heard calves cry?
Below, I attached a short film showing baby calves crying ... they are baby boys ... they are hungry, afraid, helpless and deeply despairing ... they were separated from their moms just when they were a couple of days old ... they will never get to see their mom again ... in fact, these babies will be killed when they are only 5 day old. This is the only path for baby calves born on the dairy. They are killed if the veal industry and beef industry is low. The rennet in their young stomachs is used for making cheeses. Their bodies are then ground up for animal feed, which is even fed to their own mothers! And their tender skin is used for more expensive leather.
These crates you see in the picture are built small, to confine the calves so they can not move, causing their muscles to be undeveloped and their meat more tender. They are kept in darkness and fed a diet purposefully deficient in iron so their flesh will be pale. These babies desperately suck or lick any iron, like nails that happen to be within reach. Their liquid diet is laced with chemicals, drugs, and antibiotics. They endure this cruel confinement, often covered in their own excrement. Wouldn't you be crying, too?
For those who have never heard calves cry before, please, don't cover your ears, don't shut your eyes, don't block your heart. Because just as we block away from these babies cries, we will block out the cries of human babies whose mothers are killed by bombs and bullets. We will not hear the cries of human babies who are dying of starvation. Who will hear or our own cries if we don't hear the cries of innocent babies?
How should we, who desperately long for mercy, freedom, joy, and respect for ourselves, and for our planet, be the cause of such violence towards the sacredness of life?
We have violated the sacredness of the most intimate function of life, that of a new life desperately needing tenderness and nourishing from a mom!
By ignoring these baby calves cries, we injure the sacredness within ourselves, we injure our essential being, we injure our receptivity and connection to all life. And I know, that deep within us all, there is the urge of nurturing all life and protecting the vulnerable. It is time for us all to awake those beautiful principles within ourselves. It is time to hear these babies’ cries.
Please watch and open your heart: watch?v=bSZUh31QjzY&feature=sha re
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Have you ever heard calves cry?
Below, I attached a short film showing baby calves crying ... they are baby boys ... they are hungry, afraid, helpless and deeply despairing ... they were separated from their moms just when they were a couple of days old ... they will never get to see their mom again ... in fact, these babies will be killed when they are only 5 day old. This is the only path for baby calves born on the dairy. They are killed if the veal industry and beef industry is low. The rennet in their young stomachs is used for making cheeses. Their bodies are then ground up for animal feed, which is even fed to their own mothers! And their tender skin is used for more expensive leather.
These crates you see in the picture are built small, to confine the calves so they can not move, causing their muscles to be undeveloped and their meat more tender. They are kept in darkness and fed a diet purposefully deficient in iron so their flesh will be pale. These babies desperately suck or lick any iron, like nails that happen to be within reach. Their liquid diet is laced with chemicals, drugs, and antibiotics. They endure this cruel confinement, often covered in their own excrement. Wouldn't you be crying, too?
For those who have never heard calves cry before, please, don't cover your ears, don't shut your eyes, don't block your heart. Because just as we block away from these babies cries, we will block out the cries of human babies whose mothers are killed by bombs and bullets. We will not hear the cries of human babies who are dying of starvation. Who will hear or our own cries if we don't hear the cries of innocent babies?
How should we, who desperately long for mercy, freedom, joy, and respect for ourselves, and for our planet, be the cause of such violence towards the sacredness of life?
We have violated the sacredness of the most intimate function of life, that of a new life desperately needing tenderness and nourishing from a mom!
By ignoring these baby calves cries, we injure the sacredness within ourselves, we injure our essential being, we injure our receptivity and connection to all life. And I know, that deep within us all, there is the urge of nurturing all life and protecting the vulnerable. It is time for us all to awake those beautiful principles within ourselves. It is time to hear these babies’ cries.
Please watch and open your heart:
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Harper's publishing undercover story on Schuyler beef plant
Harper's publishing undercover story on Schuyler beef plant: "is true and intentional: the pumping of their hearts will help drain the blood from their bodies once their necks are sliced open, "
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Friday, April 19, 2013
Help End Pigeon Racing in the U.S.
Help End Pigeon Racing in the U.S.:
how fuking dumb are these people!!!!
anything for a buck
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how fuking dumb are these people!!!!
anything for a buck
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Stop the Practise of Sashimi | Stop the Practise of Sashimi |
Stop the Practise of Sashimi | Stop the Practise of Sashimi |
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these humans are sick twisted fuks who deserve the same exact treatment
leave the frogs out of it and do it to each other to keep our gene pool clear of your type
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these humans are sick twisted fuks who deserve the same exact treatment
leave the frogs out of it and do it to each other to keep our gene pool clear of your type
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
W5 Undercover Investigation Reveals Disturbing and Inhumane Treatment of Animals
Bell Media Site - CTV: "W5 Undercover Investigation Reveals Disturbing and Inhumane Treatment of Animals"
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Polite Canada tolerates cruelty to animals | Toronto Star assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Polite Canada tolerates cruelty to animals | Toronto Star:
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canadians are assholes to allow this
WAKE UP!!!!!
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canadians are assholes to allow this
WAKE UP!!!!!
Taping of Farm Cruelty Is Becoming the Crime -
Taping of Farm Cruelty Is Becoming the Crime -
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ya showing the abuse is the problem for sure
shoot these aholes in the head
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ya showing the abuse is the problem for sure
shoot these aholes in the head
Breaking News: Yet Another Butterball Turkey Employee Convicted of Cruelty to Animals - MFA Blog
Breaking News: Yet Another Butterball Turkey Employee Convicted of Cruelty to Animals - MFA Blog:
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big surrpise
MFA's undercover investigation revealed workers violently kicking and stomping on birds, dragging them by their fragile wings and necks, and maliciously throwing turkeys onto the ground or into transport trucks in full view of company management. Workers were also caught on hidden camera bashing in the heads of live birds with metal bars, leaving many to slowly suffer and die from their injuries. Video footage shows Butterball turkeys covered in flies and living in their own waste, and severely injured turkeys, unable to stand up or walk, left to die without proper veterinary care.
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big surrpise
MFA's undercover investigation revealed workers violently kicking and stomping on birds, dragging them by their fragile wings and necks, and maliciously throwing turkeys onto the ground or into transport trucks in full view of company management. Workers were also caught on hidden camera bashing in the heads of live birds with metal bars, leaving many to slowly suffer and die from their injuries. Video footage shows Butterball turkeys covered in flies and living in their own waste, and severely injured turkeys, unable to stand up or walk, left to die without proper veterinary care.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest
It’s Not a Fairytale: Seattle to Build Nation’s First Food Forest:
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finally someone with a fuking brain!!!!!!
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finally someone with a fuking brain!!!!!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
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