Vegans for World Peace

Our food system is inefficient, cruel and we are wasting our resources. We will run out of clean water, deplete the soil of nutrients and collapse the ecosystem. We are destroying the tropical rainforest, the lungs of the planet, and home to millions (if not trillions) of species of life forms that took millions of years of evolution to create. We are growing food on this land to feed the animals we eat (for the most part.) We are creating mass extinction and we are not immune to extinction ourselves as we are dealing in a land of finite resources. Humans are starving right now because we choose to feed their food to the animals we eat. Approx. 50,000 litres of drinking water goes into producing 1 kilo of beef or a gallon of milk. It takes approximately 10 times more grain to feed a "food" animal to eat it than it does to just feed the grain directly to the human being. We can feed 7 billion humans much more efficiently than 100 billion or more land animals. And we are ignoring our moral obligation to protect innocent animals and people who cannot protect themselves. Yes animals in the wild eat flesh but they do not breed in captivity and confine their prey to spaces indoors without space enough to turn around or be comfortable at all during the entire life. These animals are living a life of torture. No wild animal is so cruel to abuse, torture, confine, neglect, overcrowd, beat, cram in cages so small they never move, allow them no exercise, no sunshine, EVER, no movement even! Cut up into pieces while conscious, skin them alive, boil alive, etc etc etc This is common the world over. 100 billion a year we slaughter!!!!! and we kill another 1-3 trillion in the oceans. Non human animals are not capable of cultivating plant crops, however we are. We do not need animal products to survive. Some animals do need other animals to survive we are not one of them - many have proven this. Our intestines are long like herbivores and we have a back up emergency system we are abusing. Animal protein and fat creates disease in our body where plant food does not. We can derive all we need from plants and bacteria, rather than have the animals process this for us. If we focus on feeding the people directly we stop the torture and slaughter. If you eat meat dairy or eggs and you watch how the pigs, cows, chickens, farmed fish etc live you, will see they suffer immensely. When we take from the oceans we risk the lives of the sharks and whales who are essential to the ocean ecosystem. We need to keep it in balance. And the taste for flesh is not worth mass suffering beyond comprehension. We can learn to eat the plants. If you don't have the stomach to watch these videos on how the "food" animals live - it is because you already know it is creating suffering for them. Please stop supporting animal cruelty immediately! We can eat if we grow food for us rather than the animals we breed into existence to consume. We threaten the wildlife when we farm the land to grow the animal food. There is enough food for everyone but not enough to feed and care properly for so many animals! Every social issue is solved by going to a plant based diet and provides a tangible way of knowing who is cruel and who believes all life is sacred. The torture can stop but it takes each and every one of us to make it happen. Violence is a choice. Please stop contributing to lifetimes of starvation, torture, confinement, abuse, and slaughter. Please stop! Let us instead worship all life, not just our own. Let's love and worship instead of destroy, torture, and exploit ok?! Please! We can do this! And we will be better for it!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Peace on Earth, but for whom?

Peace on Earth, but for whom?:

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It's The Last Chance: Don't Let Them Wipe Out Animal Protection Laws - The Humane Society of the United States

It's The Last Chance: Don't Let Them Wipe Out Animal Protection Laws - The Humane Society of the United States:

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Commend Actor for Condemning Cosmetic Animal Testing - ForceChange

Commend Actor for Condemning Cosmetic Animal Testing - ForceChange:

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DOGS BEING STARVED TO DEATH PLEASE HELP Θάνατος και αμέλεια σε ΚΕΝΝΕL σκύλων στη Λεμεσό - Αποκρουστικές εικόνες - Το Thema Online

Θάνατος και αμέλεια σε ΚΕΝΝΕL σκύλων στη Λεμεσό - Αποκρουστικές εικόνες - Το Thema Online:

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Stop Dogs from being cooked alive

Stop Romanian Horse Slaughter - The Petition Site

Stop Romanian Horse Slaughter - The Petition Site:

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Petition | Government of BC, Canada: Create legislation banning the Grizzly Bear trophy hunt |

Petition | Government of BC, Canada: Create legislation banning the Grizzly Bear trophy hunt |

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Natural News Blogs Antibiotics Made Irrelevant By Colloidal Silver? » Natural News Blogs

Natural News Blogs Antibiotics Made Irrelevant By Colloidal Silver? » Natural News Blogs:

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How erectile dysfunction might save your life

How erectile dysfunction might save your life:

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Plastic waste are killing our sperm whales! | SumOfUs Trader Joes

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream…made vegan! — Oh She Glows Vegan Recipe

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream…made vegan! — Oh She Glows:

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Monday, December 16, 2013

End bear torture farms in Vietnam!

Tell Gap: Stop Squeezing Profits From Screaming Rabbits!

End bear torture farms in Vietnam!

Tell Wayne State University: STOP Experimenting on Dogs Immediately

Vegan Companies

VEGANISM: A TRUTH WHOSE TIME HAS COME: 100 Vegan-Owned~Vegan Businesses Worldwide

VEGANISM: A TRUTH WHOSE TIME HAS COME: 100 Vegan-Owned~Vegan Businesses Worldwide: Divided by country, this special feature shines a spotlight on over 100  vegan-owned~vegan businesses, worldwide. (More can be added, ...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ask Airlines to Stop Shipping Monkeys to Be Tortured

38 Special, please watch Blackfish, and cancel your gig at Seaworld.

Tell Fendi to Stop Using Rabbit Fur

CNN: Please air Earthlings! For the reasons it was important to air Blackfish, it is important to air Earthlings. Earthlings, is the most important documentary about how humans USE all animals.

25 of Your Favorite Classic Southern Comfort Foods Made Vegan Recipes

Friday, December 13, 2013

Gaza cattle torture 'worst case of animal cruelty' in history, Australian group says Footage shows cattle exported from Australia being tortured on streets of Gaza, with bystanders cheering.

Take Action against animal testing

ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS FAILING AGAIN: But don't take our word for it. Dr. David Dexter, Director of the UK's Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Tissue Bank, says "animal models aren't mirroring the diseases too well." 

Is this how you want YOUR MONEY spent?



Ban Horse Slaughter

Ban Fois Gras

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Whiten teeth with turmeric!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Petition | Cheap Trick: Please sign this petition to encourage Cheaptrick to cancel Seaworld performance like The Barenaked Ladies did. |

Petition | Cheap Trick: Please sign this petition to encourage Cheaptrick to cancel Seaworld performance like The Barenaked Ladies did. |

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Petition | Mayor of Moline Illinois Scott Raes: Make sure this man does not get this puppy back or have any animals!! |

Petition | Mayor of Moline Illinois Scott Raes: Make sure this man does not get this puppy back or have any animals!! |

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Video shows puppy being dragged behind motorized scooter |

Video shows puppy being dragged behind motorized scooter |

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Petition | REO Speedwagon: Please cancel your performance at SeaWorld |

Petition | REO Speedwagon: Please cancel your performance at SeaWorld |

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16 Awesome Vegan Chocolate, Truffle & Cheesecake Recipes | Amy Layne Paradigm Blog

16 Awesome Vegan Chocolate, Truffle & Cheesecake Recipes | Amy Layne Paradigm Blog:

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▶ The automatic killing system of the Japanese animal(A shocking picture)① - YouTube

▶ The automatic killing system of the Japanese animal(A shocking picture)① - YouTube:

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Petition | Japanese ministry of the environment: Stop killing animals at cruel gas chamber!!! Animal rights for Japan!! |

Petition | Japanese ministry of the environment: Stop killing animals at cruel gas chamber!!! Animal rights for Japan!! |

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Forbid Barbaric ‘Animal Crush’ Videos - ForceChange

Forbid Barbaric ‘Animal Crush’ Videos - ForceChange:

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Criminalize Cruel ‘Crush’ Videos in the Philippines - ForceChange

Criminalize Cruel ‘Crush’ Videos in the Philippines - ForceChange:

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Outlaw Violent and Sadistic Animal Crush Videos - ForceChange

Outlaw Violent and Sadistic Animal Crush Videos - ForceChange:

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World's biggest palm oil company makes zero deforestation commitment

World's biggest palm oil company makes zero deforestation commitment:

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Petition | Japanese ministry of the environment: Stop killing animals at cruel gas chamber!!! Animal rights for Japan!! |

Petition | Japanese ministry of the environment: Stop killing animals at cruel gas chamber!!! Animal rights for Japan!! |

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Save the Bees, Please! New Campaign Buzzing to Help Keep Bees Alive | One Green Planet

Save the Bees, Please! New Campaign Buzzing to Help Keep Bees Alive | One Green Planet:

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Lentil and Veg Mini Shepherd’s Pie | One Green Planet Vegan Recipe

Lentil and Veg Mini Shepherd’s Pie | One Green Planet:

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Petition | Stop the export of Canadian sheep for cruel ritual slaughtering |

Petition | Stop the export of Canadian sheep for cruel ritual slaughtering |

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Double Stuffed Savoury Christmas Log » Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™

Double Stuffed Savoury Christmas Log » Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes™:

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Recipe How to Make Homemade Vegan Hamburger Buns | One Green Planet

How to Make Homemade Vegan Hamburger Buns | One Green Planet:

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How to Make Lentil ‘Meat’ Balls | One Green Planet Vegan Recipe

How to Make Lentil ‘Meat’ Balls | One Green Planet:

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Pizza Potatoes Vegan Recipe

Pizza Potatoes:

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Petition | Stop Canada's FURociousness! |

Petition | Stop Canada's FURociousness! |

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Episode 204: “Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character.” | Our Hen House

Episode 204: “Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character.” | Our Hen House:

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Petition | HEART: Please do not support animal captivity by playing at Seaworld Orlando, FL on February 9th, 2014! |

Petition | HEART: Please do not support animal captivity by playing at Seaworld Orlando, FL on February 9th, 2014! |

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hearty Vegetable Pot Pie Vegan Recipe

Hearty Vegetable Pot Pie:

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Calf Starved and Head Dangled in front of mother - Ritual

Article Window:

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Bulls Tortured and Ripped Apart by Teens?!

Bulls Tortured and Ripped Apart by Teens?!:

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Petition | The Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP: Ban Halal Slaughter in the United Kingdom! |

Petition | The Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP: Ban Halal Slaughter in the United Kingdom! |

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Homemade Coconut Butter - Underground Health Recipe

Homemade Coconut Butter - Underground Health:

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H&M Stops Using Angora Rabbit Fur After PETA Investigation | One Green Planet

H&M Stops Using Angora Rabbit Fur After PETA Investigation | One Green Planet:

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Nanny State: The Truth about Goats' Milk |

Nanny State: The Truth about Goats' Milk |

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Recipe How to Make Great Vegan and Gluten-Free Chinese Food | One Green Planet

How to Make Great Vegan and Gluten-Free Chinese Food | One Green Planet:

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Dhal curry Vegan Recipe

Dhal curry:

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Monday, December 2, 2013

70-year-old looks half her age, says raw food diet is the reason why

70-year-old looks half her age, says raw food diet is the reason why:

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Canadian Lambs to Slaughter: Killings Too Cruel for Australia but A-OK for Canada? - MFA Canada Blog

Canadian Lambs to Slaughter: Killings Too Cruel for Australia but A-OK for Canada? - MFA Canada Blog:

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The War on Mink Oil Gets Results - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

The War on Mink Oil Gets Results - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ:

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The "V" Word

The "V" Word:

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Let’s make vegan whipped cream!! - My Vegan Journal recipe

Let’s make vegan whipped cream!! - My Vegan Journal:

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Petition | Autoridades del Gobierno de Durango: JUSTICIA para la Perrita asesinada a machetazos en Durango |

Petition | Autoridades del Gobierno de Durango: JUSTICIA para la Perrita asesinada a machetazos en Durango |

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Please sign!

Animal Legal Defense Fund

Animal Legal Defense Fund:

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Ukweshwana, the festival of fresh fruits -                         Occupy for Animals!

Ukweshwana, the festival of fresh fruits -                         Occupy for Animals!:

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Urge Feds to Stop Funding Sick Animal Sex Experiments

Urge Feds to Stop Funding Sick Animal Sex Experiments:

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Raw Vegan Carrot and Flax Crackers | One Green Planet Recipe

Raw Vegan Carrot and Flax Crackers | One Green Planet:

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Captive Cruelty: The cruel capture and captivity of wild baboons for experiments in Kenya - YouTube

Captive Cruelty: The cruel capture and captivity of wild baboons for experiments in Kenya - YouTube:

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Petition | President of Kenya, His Excellency Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta: Stop the cruel capture and captivity of wild baboons for research in Kenya |

Petition | President of Kenya, His Excellency Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta: Stop the cruel capture and captivity of wild baboons for research in Kenya |

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Canadian Lambs to Slaughter: Killings Too Cruel for Australia but A-OK for Canada? - MFA Canada Blog

Canadian Lambs to Slaughter: Killings Too Cruel for Australia but A-OK for Canada? - MFA Canada Blog:

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Chickpea Fries | One Green Planet

Chickpea Fries | One Green Planet:

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The CAFO Reader: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories: Daniel Imhoff: Books

The CAFO Reader: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories: Daniel Imhoff: Books:

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Seal pup just wants to cuddle. [VIDEO]

Seal pup just wants to cuddle. [VIDEO]:

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45 uses for lemons that will blow your socks off - Underground Health

45 uses for lemons that will blow your socks off - Underground Health:

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Non-Toxic Flea (and Tick!) Control | Dogs Naturally Magazine

Non-Toxic Flea (and Tick!) Control | Dogs Naturally Magazine:

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The New Factory Farms

The New Factory Farms:

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