Vegans for World Peace

Our food system is inefficient, cruel and we are wasting our resources. We will run out of clean water, deplete the soil of nutrients and collapse the ecosystem. We are destroying the tropical rainforest, the lungs of the planet, and home to millions (if not trillions) of species of life forms that took millions of years of evolution to create. We are growing food on this land to feed the animals we eat (for the most part.) We are creating mass extinction and we are not immune to extinction ourselves as we are dealing in a land of finite resources. Humans are starving right now because we choose to feed their food to the animals we eat. Approx. 50,000 litres of drinking water goes into producing 1 kilo of beef or a gallon of milk. It takes approximately 10 times more grain to feed a "food" animal to eat it than it does to just feed the grain directly to the human being. We can feed 7 billion humans much more efficiently than 100 billion or more land animals. And we are ignoring our moral obligation to protect innocent animals and people who cannot protect themselves. Yes animals in the wild eat flesh but they do not breed in captivity and confine their prey to spaces indoors without space enough to turn around or be comfortable at all during the entire life. These animals are living a life of torture. No wild animal is so cruel to abuse, torture, confine, neglect, overcrowd, beat, cram in cages so small they never move, allow them no exercise, no sunshine, EVER, no movement even! Cut up into pieces while conscious, skin them alive, boil alive, etc etc etc This is common the world over. 100 billion a year we slaughter!!!!! and we kill another 1-3 trillion in the oceans. Non human animals are not capable of cultivating plant crops, however we are. We do not need animal products to survive. Some animals do need other animals to survive we are not one of them - many have proven this. Our intestines are long like herbivores and we have a back up emergency system we are abusing. Animal protein and fat creates disease in our body where plant food does not. We can derive all we need from plants and bacteria, rather than have the animals process this for us. If we focus on feeding the people directly we stop the torture and slaughter. If you eat meat dairy or eggs and you watch how the pigs, cows, chickens, farmed fish etc live you, will see they suffer immensely. When we take from the oceans we risk the lives of the sharks and whales who are essential to the ocean ecosystem. We need to keep it in balance. And the taste for flesh is not worth mass suffering beyond comprehension. We can learn to eat the plants. If you don't have the stomach to watch these videos on how the "food" animals live - it is because you already know it is creating suffering for them. Please stop supporting animal cruelty immediately! We can eat if we grow food for us rather than the animals we breed into existence to consume. We threaten the wildlife when we farm the land to grow the animal food. There is enough food for everyone but not enough to feed and care properly for so many animals! Every social issue is solved by going to a plant based diet and provides a tangible way of knowing who is cruel and who believes all life is sacred. The torture can stop but it takes each and every one of us to make it happen. Violence is a choice. Please stop contributing to lifetimes of starvation, torture, confinement, abuse, and slaughter. Please stop! Let us instead worship all life, not just our own. Let's love and worship instead of destroy, torture, and exploit ok?! Please! We can do this! And we will be better for it!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

These Animals Have Never Seen the Light of Day… Until Now | The Animal Rescue Site Blog

These Animals Have Never Seen the Light of Day… Until Now | The Animal Rescue Site Blog:

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Petition · Ms Lakela Kaunda: Stop the Canned Hunting of Large Cats in South Africa ·

Petition · Ms Lakela Kaunda: Stop the Canned Hunting of Large Cats in South Africa ·

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Waste and cruelty are endemic at the commercial seal hunt - YouTube

Waste and cruelty are endemic at the commercial seal hunt - YouTube:

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Full prosecution for NFL player that starved dog until it passed away! |

Full prosecution for NFL player that starved dog until it passed away! |

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Petition: Make Animal "Crush" Videos a Federal Crime

Petition: Make Animal "Crush" Videos a Federal Crime:

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Petition: Free Tilikum From Sea World Captivity

Petition: Free Tilikum From Sea World Captivity:

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Petition: Ban Fur Farms in China

Petition: Ban Fur Farms in China:

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Tell Vietnam to stop eating our pets! Stop the illegal cat meat trade NOW! |

Tell Vietnam to stop eating our pets! Stop the illegal cat meat trade NOW! |

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Petition: China: It Shouldn't Be Legal to Mutilate Animals!

Petition: China: It Shouldn't Be Legal to Mutilate Animals!:

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Petition · Stop Living Creatures being sold as keyrings!!! ·

Petition · Stop Living Creatures being sold as keyrings!!! ·

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Teenagers Set Donkey On Fire And Record The Entire Scene! Demand Punishment! |

Teenagers Set Donkey On Fire And Record The Entire Scene! Demand Punishment! |

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Petition · Stop using tax money for animal testing. ·

Petition · Stop using tax money for animal testing. ·

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Petition: Stop Use and Remove the Gas Chamber at the Shelter of Hope in Cobourg, ON

Petition: Stop Use and Remove the Gas Chamber at the Shelter of Hope in Cobourg, ON:

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Petition · To educate the Cambodian people that dogs are sentient beings ·

Petition · To educate the Cambodian people that dogs are sentient beings ·

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Petition: Install Video Cameras in Slaughterhouses and Factory Farms

Petition: Install Video Cameras in Slaughterhouses and Factory Farms:

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Meet the Intrepid Band of Activists Fighting Illegal Songbird Slaughter | Animal-Free Entertainment | Living | PETA

Meet the Intrepid Band of Activists Fighting Illegal Songbird Slaughter | Animal-Free Entertainment | Living | PETA:

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Time to roundup Roundup? | The Non-GMO Blog

Time to roundup Roundup? | The Non-GMO Blog:

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Make Bestiality a Felony in the United States | ForceChange

Make Bestiality a Felony in the United States | ForceChange:

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Petition: Release Arturo to a sanctuary and close down Mendoza Zoo.

Petition: Release Arturo to a sanctuary and close down Mendoza Zoo.:

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Petition: No Shelter Killing After 10 Days!

Petition: No Shelter Killing After 10 Days!:

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Petition: Sri Lanka, please stop using elephants in festivals.

Petition: Sri Lanka, please stop using elephants in festivals.:

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PHOTOS: Government Monkey Sterilisation Centre EXPOSED

PHOTOS: Government Monkey Sterilisation Centre EXPOSED:

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22+ Heartbreaking Photos Of Pollution That Will Inspire You To Recycle | Bored Panda

22+ Heartbreaking Photos Of Pollution That Will Inspire You To Recycle | Bored Panda:

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Petition: Stop Koreans/Chinese from BOILING DOGS AND CATS ALIVE - Fulfill the UN Millennium promise!

Petition: Stop Koreans/Chinese from BOILING DOGS AND CATS ALIVE - Fulfill the UN Millennium promise!:

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Petition: Help Save the Starving Animals at the Khan Younis Zoo in Gaza - And then close the Zoo Forever !

Petition: Help Save the Starving Animals at the Khan Younis Zoo in Gaza - And then close the Zoo Forever !:

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Meet Pete. He's from Australia. | Blog |

Meet Pete. He's from Australia. | Blog |

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Petition: Ask Canada to make DOG MEAT illegal

Petition: Ask Canada to make DOG MEAT illegal:

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Petition · die Präsidentin des Landtages NRW zur Vorlage an alle Abgeordneten und den Ă„ltestenrat: AFFENLABOR #COVANCE - Wir fordern die Auflösung und Neubesetzung des Petitionsausschusses nach skandalösem Beschluss!! ·

Petition · die Präsidentin des Landtages NRW zur Vorlage an alle Abgeordneten und den Ă„ltestenrat: AFFENLABOR #COVANCE - Wir fordern die Auflösung und Neubesetzung des Petitionsausschusses nach skandalösem Beschluss!! ·

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Petition · die Präsidentin des Landtages NRW zur Vorlage an alle Abgeordneten und den Ă„ltestenrat: AFFENLABOR #COVANCE - Wir fordern die Auflösung und Neubesetzung des Petitionsausschusses nach skandalösem Beschluss!! ·

Petition · die Präsidentin des Landtages NRW zur Vorlage an alle Abgeordneten und den Ă„ltestenrat: AFFENLABOR #COVANCE - Wir fordern die Auflösung und Neubesetzung des Petitionsausschusses nach skandalösem Beschluss!! ·

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Petition · Canadian Government: Ban Animal Testing In Canada ·

Petition · Canadian Government: Ban Animal Testing In Canada ·

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Petition: Stop the Cruelty to horses in Portugal

Petition: Stop the Cruelty to horses in Portugal:

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Petition: STOP the cruel painful slaughter without stunning of animals for consumption !

Petition: STOP the cruel painful slaughter without stunning of animals for consumption !:

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Petition: Sexual use of Animals is legal in Denmark!!!! Help us stop this evil and make it illegal!

Petition: Sexual use of Animals is legal in Denmark!!!! Help us stop this evil and make it illegal!:

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Petition · Stop the export of Canadian sheep for cruel ritual slaughtering ·

Petition · Stop the export of Canadian sheep for cruel ritual slaughtering ·

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Petition: Demand justice for 150 wombats buried alive by a logging company

Petition: Demand justice for 150 wombats buried alive by a logging company:

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These Animals Have Never Seen the Light of Day… Until Now | The Animal Rescue Site Blog

These Animals Have Never Seen the Light of Day… Until Now | The Animal Rescue Site Blog:

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Why Rabbits Need Your Help More Than Any Other Animal | Features | PETA

Why Rabbits Need Your Help More Than Any Other Animal | Features | PETA:

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Big Cats in the Circus | Blog |

10 Things You Didn't Know About Big Cats in the Circus | Blog |

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Petition: Stop Vivisection at University of California

Petition: Stop Vivisection at University of California:

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