On the killing floor, the pigs’ throats will be cut open, often while they are still completely conscious and struggling to escape. . . .Many are still alive when they reach the scalding hair-removal water bath where they are scalded to death.
more than 100,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 400,000 are crippled by the time they arrive at the slaughterhouse
Most people never see pigs who are raised for food—aside from the occasional glimpses of them as they go by on the transport trucks. This is because 97 percent of pigs in America today spend their entire lives confined on factory farms. While the transport conditions are cruel, they are merely a small part of a hideous existence for these animals.
Most people never see pigs who are raised for food—aside from the occasional glimpses of them as they go by on the transport trucks. This is because 97 percent of pigs in America today spend their entire lives confined on factory farms. While the transport conditions are cruel, they are merely a small part of a hideous existence for these animals.