Vegans for World Peace

Our food system is inefficient, cruel and we are wasting our resources. We will run out of clean water, deplete the soil of nutrients and collapse the ecosystem. We are destroying the tropical rainforest, the lungs of the planet, and home to millions (if not trillions) of species of life forms that took millions of years of evolution to create. We are growing food on this land to feed the animals we eat (for the most part.) We are creating mass extinction and we are not immune to extinction ourselves as we are dealing in a land of finite resources. Humans are starving right now because we choose to feed their food to the animals we eat. Approx. 50,000 litres of drinking water goes into producing 1 kilo of beef or a gallon of milk. It takes approximately 10 times more grain to feed a "food" animal to eat it than it does to just feed the grain directly to the human being. We can feed 7 billion humans much more efficiently than 100 billion or more land animals. And we are ignoring our moral obligation to protect innocent animals and people who cannot protect themselves. Yes animals in the wild eat flesh but they do not breed in captivity and confine their prey to spaces indoors without space enough to turn around or be comfortable at all during the entire life. These animals are living a life of torture. No wild animal is so cruel to abuse, torture, confine, neglect, overcrowd, beat, cram in cages so small they never move, allow them no exercise, no sunshine, EVER, no movement even! Cut up into pieces while conscious, skin them alive, boil alive, etc etc etc This is common the world over. 100 billion a year we slaughter!!!!! and we kill another 1-3 trillion in the oceans. Non human animals are not capable of cultivating plant crops, however we are. We do not need animal products to survive. Some animals do need other animals to survive we are not one of them - many have proven this. Our intestines are long like herbivores and we have a back up emergency system we are abusing. Animal protein and fat creates disease in our body where plant food does not. We can derive all we need from plants and bacteria, rather than have the animals process this for us. If we focus on feeding the people directly we stop the torture and slaughter. If you eat meat dairy or eggs and you watch how the pigs, cows, chickens, farmed fish etc live you, will see they suffer immensely. When we take from the oceans we risk the lives of the sharks and whales who are essential to the ocean ecosystem. We need to keep it in balance. And the taste for flesh is not worth mass suffering beyond comprehension. We can learn to eat the plants. If you don't have the stomach to watch these videos on how the "food" animals live - it is because you already know it is creating suffering for them. Please stop supporting animal cruelty immediately! We can eat if we grow food for us rather than the animals we breed into existence to consume. We threaten the wildlife when we farm the land to grow the animal food. There is enough food for everyone but not enough to feed and care properly for so many animals! Every social issue is solved by going to a plant based diet and provides a tangible way of knowing who is cruel and who believes all life is sacred. The torture can stop but it takes each and every one of us to make it happen. Violence is a choice. Please stop contributing to lifetimes of starvation, torture, confinement, abuse, and slaughter. Please stop! Let us instead worship all life, not just our own. Let's love and worship instead of destroy, torture, and exploit ok?! Please! We can do this! And we will be better for it!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Two broken legs and left for hours in the hot sun to suffer and die. Daily occurence everywhere.

<< DOWNED COW >> The truck carrying this cow was unloaded at Walton Stockyards in Kentucky one September morning. After the other animals were removed from the truck, she was left behind, unable to move. Stockyard workers used customary electric prods in her ear to try to get her out of the truck, then they beat her and kicked her in the face, ribs, and back, but she still didn't move. They tied a rope around her neck, tied the other end to a post in the ground, and drove the truck away. The cow was dragged along the floor of the truck and fell to the ground, breaking both her hind legs and her pelvis in the process. She remained this way until 7:30 that evening. For the first three hours, she lay in the hot sun crying out. Periodically, when she urinated or defecated, she used her front legs to drag herself along the gravel roadway to a clean spot. She also tried to crawl to a shaded area, but she was unable to move far enough. Altogether, she only managed to crawl between 13 and 14 yards. The stockyard employees wouldn't allow her any drinking water; the only water she received was given to her by Jessie Pierce, a local animal rights activist. After she was contacted by a woman who witnessed the incident, Jessie arrived at noon. Stockyard workers did not cooperate to help her, so she called the Kenton County police. A police officer arrived but was instructed by his superiors to do nothing; he left at 1 p.m. The stockyard operator informed Jessie that he had permission from the insurance company to kill the cow but wouldn't do it until Jessie left. Although doubtful that he would keep his word, Jessie left at 3. She returned at 4:30 and found the stockyard deserted. Three dogs were attacking the cow, who was still alive. She had suffered a number of bite wounds, and her drinking water had been removed. Jessie contacted the state police. Four officers arrived at 5:30. State trooper Jan Wuchner wanted to shoot the cow but was told that a veterinarian should kill her. The facility's two veterinarians would not euthanize her; they claimed that in order to preserve the value of the meat, the cow could not be destroyed. A butcher eventually arrived at 7:30 and shot the cow. Her body was purchased for $307.50. When the stockyard operator was questioned by a reporter from The Kentucky Post, he stated, "We didn't do a damned thing to it", and referred to the attention given to the cow by humane workers and police as "bullcrap". He laughed throughout the interview, saying that there was nothing wrong with the way that the cow was treated. This is not an isolated case. It is so common that animals in this condition are known in the meat industry as "downers". According to the meat industry's own statistics, each year, millions of chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows arrive at the slaughterhouse either dead or too sick or injured to walk. The animals become severely crippled or ill after a lifetime of abuse in factory farms and a very difficult journey to the slaughterhouse, during which they are shipped through all weather extremes without any food or water. Factory farms don't provide individualized medical care or humane euthanasia to sick animals: It's cheaper to let the animals suffer and eventually die. The suffering caused by the meat, egg, and dairy industries' cost-cutting measures is enormous. The egg industry, for example, confines between five and 11 birds to small wire battery cages, despite the fact that the extreme crowding causes some of the birds to get sick and die. Egg-industry expert Bernard Rollin sums up the simple, cold-hearted reasoning of egg factory-farm operators by saying that "chickens are cheap, cages are expensive". After PETA brought much-needed attention to this issue, the Kenton County Police Department adopted a policy requiring that euthanasia be performed on all downed animals immediately, whether they are on the farm, in transit, or at the slaughterhouse. Many other law enforcement agencies don't have such policies, and downed animals continue to suffer everywhere. It is up to the public to demand change in how the meat, egg, and dairy industries treat animals, and it is up to consumers to refuse to purchase the products of this miserable industry. Otherwise, many more animals will continue to suffer the same agonizing fate of this nameless cow. What You Can Do - Please, help prevent unnecessary suffering by adopting a vegetarian diet. Eating dairy, eggs, meat, honey or other animal products and byproducts is unnecessary and causes the death of trillions of innocent animals each year and environmental damage. A single person eating a vegetarian or fruitarian diet saves more than 500 animals each year. Veganism Is The Future & The V Legion & Green Unity For Nature And Animal Liberation Share